Saturday, April 12, 2014

A small mini wall hanging...very small

Well kind of small anyway.

I didn't feel well enough to go gaming this weekend so my sewing weekend started a little early.  Allergy pills worked well enough on my headache but not fast enough to go gaming.  I had bought this little picture online a number of years ago but never did anything with it.  I hadn't read the description very well and didn't realize it was so small.  Today I finally found it again and decided to do something.  It didn't take very long and I only did a minimum of quilting on it.  It will hang up in my office in that little space by my desk.

It's hard to read the tape but it is around 8 1/2" long.  Normally I use mini's around 12" long in that space but this will work also.

That's it.  Not sure what I'll work on tomorrow.

How is everybody else doing?


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

It's really a lovely scene. Feel better soon!

Marsha Clark said...

Pretty !!!

Happy Sunday and Some Project Updates

 Happy Sunday everybody!      Are you getting ready for Memorial Day?  Any special plans?  I will be staying home and stitching.  I am going...