Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Have I mentioned I love working for my boss?  Probably not last week and this week since he came back from Ghana I've been VERY busy.  But I met all my deadlines and things have started to calm down a little.  At least as calm as they get in my office.  But today is different.  Today I'm back to loving him because......drum roll.......

He brought back some fabric from Ghana.  It's going up in price over there every year and he has so many people asking him to bring stuff back that this year I didn't ask for fabric.  BUT I GOT IT ANYWAY!    YIIIPPPPEEEEE!

So here is my newest additions to the Ghana fabric.

They all are Wax Block Prints.  I will happily put them in my collection.  :)

Ok, now I guess I'd better get back to work.  LOL.

Have a great day!


Marsha Clark said...

Cool !

esther said...


BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Great Boss is right. You'll have to be good to him now for sure.

Happy Sunday and Some Project Updates

 Happy Sunday everybody!      Are you getting ready for Memorial Day?  Any special plans?  I will be staying home and stitching.  I am going...