Friday, May 12, 2017

It's Friday!!!!!

Congratulations everybody.  We made it to Friday.  I'm taking my break to write this entry since I'm so excited.  My AeroGardens came in and they are now set up in my office.

In between my white AeroGarden and my black AeroGarden is my student helpers (Noah) plant.  He asked if it could catch some of the rays also.  He helped me put the AeroGarden's together so of course I said yes.

What is AeroGarden?  The AeroGarden is an indoor garden made by AeroGrow International. TheAeroGarden can be used to grow small amounts of vegetables, herbs, salad plants, and flowers. The seeds for these plants come in special seed pods, or consumers can use their own seeds with a custom kit. (from Wikki).

I have two 3 pod units (they were half price).  In the white one I am trying to grow Heirloom Mighty Mini Cherry Tomatoes.

In the black one I am trying to grow three different types of Heirloom lettuce.

There is the Black Seeded Simpson lettuce, the Deer Tongue lettuce and the Parris Island lettuce.  

The lettuce is suppose to start sprouting within 4-8 days.  The tomatoes take longer.  I'll keep you updated on how it turns out.  If *I* can get this to work, anybody can be a gardener.  Just weeds, no soil, no mess or fuss.  I'm not a gardener but love the gardens bounty so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.  This would also give me fresh veggies throughout the year and I can mix and match my pods.  

So what do you think?

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