Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

Today is kind of exciting but also kind of nervous type day.  I am excited to tell and show you my update on the AeroGarden but also excited because I will be going to the eye doctor today.  Haven't been to get "prescription" glasses since I had shingles what...5 years ago?  The cheater glasses (magnifiers) have been doing great for me, and still do, but I need to take the vision test when I renew my drivers license this year.  That is what prompted me to go and get glasses from the professionals this year.  That is also the nervous part.  I hate exams whether it is for eyes or for other parts of my body.  At least the eyes are the least objectionable.

The other exciting news is about the AeroGarden update.  My tomatoes have started to sprout!!!!  Here are today's pictures.

First up is the picture of the lettuce.  You might notice that I have taken the domes off of two of the three types of lettuce.  The Deer Tongue lettuce still hasn't sprouted  so the dome still stays on.  I also took off the dome today since I will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday.  You are to take the domes off when the sprouts start to get to the top.  I thought might as well do it now.

The rather exciting news is on the tomatoes.  They have started to sprout!  My student helper, Noah, will check on them and if they need to have the domes taken off also, he will do it for me.  He's a gem of a student helper.

All of this means that you won't get any new pictures of the garden until Monday.  I can hear some of you say "YAY" to that.  :)    Thank you for putting up with my joy of attempting to do the hydroponic gardening.  I can take the two days off knowing that the garden is being watered, the lights are on timers, and no weeds to pull.  THAT's my kind of gardening.

I hope you all have a great day.

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