Friday, July 30, 2021

Inside waterfalls?

 Ahh, what a day.  Dan overslept so I didn't get to the grocery store today.  We will try again tomorrow.  But that is only one part of the whole day.  

I was busy printing up some of the patterns for my BOMs and then checking that they were put in their place.  Then there was dishes but decided not to do the clothes since my  dryer wasn't fixed yet.  Not bad.  Next up today was paying online bills or at least scheduling the bills to be paid.  I was glad to see that my annuity check was deposited today so I didn't have to worry about it.  That certainly tired me out so I decided to lay down and read a book.  A nonsense book that would take me away from my reality.  It was a good book.  One about a Christmas cruise and there was a waterfall on the ship.  Wait!  What?

I closed my book and sat up.  Oh oh.  There was the sound of gushing water coming from the kitchen.  I got up and went to look and saw water GUSHING and SPEWING out from under my sink.  Ummm.  That wasn't happening before I laid down.  So after a couple of minutes, to find my phone, I called my landlord Shalom.  He came right over, especially since he could hear the water through the phone even though I wasn't in the same room.  It didn't take long to fix it (reconnect a hose and put a good clamp on it) but by that time the floor was drenched and so were my towels.  

Since Shalom had to go to the store to get the clamps, he surprised me by bringing back the dryer hose that I needed.  Before he left, I had both the water problem fixed as well as having my dryer operable.  I had mixed feelings about the last since now I don't have an excuse not to do laundry.  I'll do that tomorrow.  It's 8 p.m. and 92 degrees so I don't want to run the dryer right now.  

That's about it for my news tonight.  In my keeping of trying to end on an up note, Here is a picture taken tonight  at dinner time with the kittens.  Shalom says he will mow the lawn on Sunday.  That's good.  The kittens have been hiding in the grass and playing pounce the littermate.

That's it for now.  Everybody have a great night.

Friday, July 23, 2021

July is almost over - really?

 We're getting towards the end of July and I'm still wondering where the month went.  Today I strted to get organized again.  Sometimes I almost think that a person can get too organized.  You know, get everything organized and then you can't find what you want?  Why get organized then because you couldn't find it before you got organized either.  Might as well take that organizational time and put it toward crafting, right?

Of course I don't mean all of what I just typed.  It is good to get organized but I do get too organized sometimes and end up with lots of folders, binders, and other storage devices and sometimes can't remember what is in each one.  Some are labeled ad I'm getting better at that so in the next month or two I will have to figure out when is too much organization just...well...too much.

I started today with putting some of my stitch along in binders.  AQS - Let's Quilt Class 5;  Applique and Ruching is now in a pressboard binder so i can add to it and easily (hopefully) find it.  I signed up for another test pattern to do so that has joined others in their binder that is marked "Test Pattern - HOLD until they appear in magazine".  I have a couple of binders for various Civil War blocks, as well as Summer Solstice by Pat Sloan.  Well you get the idea.

I did pick up my Quilt As You Go Hexagons to work on.  I found where I had put the background material so I can get back to it. 

I am using this template from Missouri Start Quilt Company and I have to say it's not bad.  I don't use any paper with this so it is a little different but I don't mind sitting down and tracing out the patterns once a week or whenever.  I could use the template to trace out on paper but I don't.

Who knows what it will end up being.  I'm not sure if I told you that Smudge hasn't been around but a couple of days ago, the kids started to show up again.  They are eating the food and drinking water now so I put out food for them too.  I'm going through the cat food more but that's ok.  I am able to walk up to them every once in awhile before they scurry away.  They still like to sleep sometimes on the porch and, of course, do surprise attacks on their siblings.

Oh, almost forgot.  I saw this picture.  I have lots of those patterns around (just have to find them) so I might make something similar.  It will probably  have to be next year.

I hope everybody has a great day and try to stay cool.  I have 91F right now (1;15 central time) but it will start to cool down (eventually).

Oh, another thing I almost forgot.  My friend Dan was in the hospital after suffering a mild heart attack.  He is out now and doing well.  He needs to be on blood thinners and cholesterol meds but he can do that.  Thank you for everybody's well wishes for his speedy recovery.

NOW I can say that's it.  :)  See ya next time.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Birthday to me!

 It's official.  I'm a senior citizen starting today.  I mean a REAL crazy old cat lady compete with Medicare card.  Well that's it for MY big news.  LOL  I have already had lots of good birthday wishes and sometime today I will be enjoying Dutch apple pie and ice cream.  :)   Apple pie is my favorite pie and so much better than cake.  How will I be spending my birthday?  Grazing on snacks all day and deciding on what to quilt.

Not much different than what I do each day but that is what retirement is to me.  Days where you get to do what you like to do.  At least that is what my retirement has been.  If I want to look at pictures of Hayley, I can get them off Facebook and look at the.  That's mostly thanks to my niece in law Jessica, Hayley's Grandmother.  Kids grow up so fast, it won't be long before she'll be behind the wheel and ...

Oh wait....Wow!  She must be brilliant as well as beautiful. You go Hayley!

Of course there is my quilting and other crafts to keep me busy also.  I am in the middle of working on a layer cake terrace wall hanging.  It was going to be a larger one but then I am cutting it back and going to make a table runner out of the blocks I took off the wall hanging.  Pictures of that in a later poster.  It's not done yet so I'll show it to you after I get them both done,  I am thinking, perhaps, to adorn the wall hanging with some buttons  Today I might play with the buttons to see if there are enough that I can use as I want.  So far I think the butterflies might be winning.

I did get back tostitching some BOM blocks.  This one is block 5 from the Ladies Aid - Hands all around BOM.  Block 7 comes out this week so I'm still behind but am slowly catching up.

I did manage to finish and hang up my tumbler flag.  I think it turned out pretty good.  There are mistakes but I know where they are and next time I might not make them.  Quilting is a learning process.  

I don't think I've ever heard of anybody say that their quilts are perfect.  I do have, however, quilts and such that I'm proud of even with their imperfections.,  Block 5 of the Hands All Round BOM is one of those.  I am proud I pushed myself to make that block.  

It's time for me to sign off because my birthday pie just came out of the oven,  It's making me hungry but I have to wait for it to cool down a bit first.

It appears that I'm not the onlyone getting hungry.  Mini here is having her brunch also.

I hope everybody has a great day!  

Hugs to all.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...