My Family - Tidbits From Their History

More of Tony's gift from Grandma which she did back in 1949.  It was quite a full book so there will be more updates.  Sorry to take so long between postings.  Life got busy and then I misplaced the book.  I found it again though.  :)

April 22, 2015

In cleaning out my storage unit, I found Tony's gift from grandma which she did back in 1949.  The book is falling apart so I'm going to take pictures of the contents and post them here.  Hopefully that will help preserve this treasure.  Grandma made a slip cover and appliqued the kids name on it.  This she put over one of those black and white composition books.

To be Continued.


July 8, 2014

Received some new pictures from Gayla (my cousin).  It is great to exchange some pictures because she has different ones than I have.  Some are similar and that just leads me to the conclusion that we are related, etc.

This first one is showing Grandpa Chamberlain.

This one is showing my Uncle George and Hank (on the ends) and George Mirriman in the middle.  They are holding dolls for a relative who was coming home after being sick.  It was her welcome home present.

I chuckle at this one Gayla sent.  It is so typical of Grandma when she didn't want her picture taken.

This was Grandma also but I had never seen such a young picture of her.  Too bad it is a little destroyed.

I sent this picture to her.  It's Grandma back in 1976.

July 7, 2014

What an exciting day today.  In my email box I found some messages from possible ancestor matches via  I answered one of the and we think we have a common ancestor.  Not on my dad's side but my mothers.  It appears that MY grandmother's sister is HER grandmother.

We are going to exchange emails and stories about the our grandmother's and that should be fun.  I love talking about Grandma.  She was lady and, as some of my family might say, a hoot to boot!  Yes all my stories are just that.  Stories that mom or Grandma told me before their minds got too mixed up and they may be true or not but either way they are a treasure.

The other thing I noticed when I went under my DNA results was a possible match, once again on mom's side.  I emailed her and I hope to find out if it's true.  I seem to remember a person of that name being in the family and looking at part of her tree I believe we are related.  I'm not sure what number of cousin we'd be.

Oh....before I forget I found out some more information I think on Great Grandpa Ole Brommeland.  I found his registration card or at least a copy of it on  It's a place for military records.  Drat!  I dug a little deeper and it wasn't him.  Oh he's a relative but not great grandpa.  This Ole Bromeland would be Grandpa Bromeland's brother?  He is one of the sons of Great Grandpa Bromeland.  The birth dates match up for that so let me tell you what I found out about  Ole Bromeland that was born on November 18, 1885.  This information is taken off of the Registration card (D.S.S. Form 1).  Ole Bromeland, no middle name given, resided in Little Rock Township in Plano, IL which is in Kendall County.He was 56 when he registered and he was born in Sand, Norway.  The name and address of person who will always know your address was listed as "Mrs. Ole Bromeland, RFD #1, Plano, IL)... I find that to be cute.  :)  He was about 5' 8 1/2" tall and weighed about 145 pounds.  He had Hazel eyes and gray hair with a ruddy complexion.  He also had a scar on his chin.

I also found another relative.  According to his D.S.S. Form 1, Thomas Bromeland registered when he was 63.  His place of residence was Newark, IL also in Kendall County.  He was born on November 3, 1878 in Sand Norway.  The person listed who will always know your address was his wife Ina (Olson) Bromeland.  He was 5' 8" about 160 pounds and had brown eyes and black hair with a ruddy complexion.  Show me a farmer who didn't have a ruddy complexion.  LOL.  He also had his thumb and first two fingers missing on his left hand.  I wonder what that was from.

Thomas and his brother Ole both registered on the same day.  Ole's was hand written but Thomas was typed.  I wonder if that was because of his missing fingers.  The place they did it at was the Community Bank Bldg in Plano, IL.  :)

It wasn't all a loss with tracing Great Grandpa.  I did find his Immigration card.  His date and port of arrival in the US was May 18, 1892 in New York.  He was also naturalized on April 7, 1915.  Notice that port of arrival said New York.  Not specifically Ellis Island.  I need to track it down a bit more but it's a good start.  :)

Ohhh.  Update!  I just received an email from Gayla.  She sent me a picture of Grandma!  I know it is her now.  Tomorrow I"ll post her picture and the one of the pictures I have of Grandma.  :)

That's it for now.  This stuff gets addicting!

June 24, 2014

I've made progress today on my search for ancestors.  One thing that was fun to look at was my AncestryDNA results came in!!!!  It shows that my ancestors came from:

100% Europe with it broken down further of:

67% Scandanavian (not surprising since Grandpa and Grandma Bromeland came from Norway)
16% Great Britain (also not surprising since Mother's maiden name is Chamberlain)
10% Ireland
3% Italy/Greece
2% Western Europe
under 1% Iberian peninsula
under 1%  Finland/West Russia

This predominately reflects what I knew.  The last 7% (Italy and down) only had trace DNA markers so it is questionable.  That's ok with me.

The other progress I made was to find the DeKalb County Genealogical website and ordered pictures of Sheri Rae (my sister) and dad's death certificate.  That straightened out some of the questions about Sheri Rae.  Evidently she only lived for 26-28 hours and the "primary cause" was Premature Birth.  I will continue to work on the family but was pleased to find this stuff so far.

Hi Everybody:

It's time for another new endeavor...tracing my family history.  I decided to start on my dad's side (the Bromeland side).  Here is what I knew going into this endeavor.

My name is Bonni Lee Bromeland Feltz.  I decided to keep the Feltz name after my divorce since it is shorter (perhaps not the best reason but it was what I thought at the time).

My mother is Edith Elvira (ducks in case mom saw me type in her middle name) Chamberlain Bromeland and my dad is Kermit Stanley Bromeland.

Dad's parents Peter Bromeland and Anna Peterson Bromeland.

Peter's Father (my great grandfather) was Ole T. Bromeland and he was born in Norway.  Great Grandma Katrina Peterson was also born in Norway and they came to the US around 1878.

I was talking to my Niece in Law Jessica and she likes to go geneology things also so we set out yesterday to we what we could find out.  Much to my delight and surprise we found Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's grave site, my Aunt Rachel Bromeland grave site and a bunch of other Bromelands that I don't know who they are.  I'll have to dig into their names some more.  I also took pictures but since my regular computer is in the shop until probably Monday, I'll wait until then to post them.


Marsha Clark said...

Have Fun Exploring <3

Anonymous said...

Have fun and good searching

esther said...

Oh what fun you are having!! Enjoy life <3 Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I hope you are still checking this blog. I'm one of your distance relatives. I have a family tree from 1878 to about 1978. One of my mom's cousins is currently updating it now. I would love to give you a copy of the family tree that I have. When I was reading your post with all the names I couldn't believe it:) My grandfather is Orvin Bromeland and his dad was Silas Bromeland who is Peter's brother. I found your name in my family tree. You are the same age as my mom.

Bonni said...

It would be great to have a copy of the family tree. Contact me (email addy listed below which you can see when you leave a comment) or if you are on facebook (look for Bonni Feltz). If you read my other blog page you will notice that Kermit P. Bromeland (my brother) died in July this year so that could be updated in the tree also.

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...