Friday, October 7, 2022

Today's sojourn into Walmart

 October is finally here and soon the holidays and holiday meals will be upon us.

Today is also my monthly trip to the Food Bank and out to Walmart to get groceries.  Dan brought over some of his extra food when he found out the Food Bank in his area REALLY cut back on what was handed out.  It is good to have such a good friend.  This time, I didn't give him much from my pantry but I don't think he minded.  We go through what we get and exchange what we know we won't use.  That explains why I have 24 cans of mixed fruit since Dan can't have preaches (severe allergy),  He did give me some cans of tomatoes, cream soup, some hamburger and Stouffer's Chicken and Dumplings.  He also bought a turkey at Walmart which I have in my freezer.  We will eat that at Thanksgiving.  Now to figure out what else to have.  :)

The prices have gone up at Walmart and at the gas station.  Not a surprise but still I wish it hadn't happened,  The cat food that I normally get as out and the backup was not in the size I wanted.  The toilet tissue was also REALLY low.  Some things stayed the same like their brand of soda, bread, and Bar-S hot dogs.  No Imperial Margarine in the stick form but did have some in the soft form which was in tubs.  So what went up?

Eggs.  On the 1st, 18 count large eggs were $3.45 but today they were $5.02.  Oh well, so I don't get a 60 count (which was over $15) and settled for an 18 count container.

After getting home, Dan helped me put on a SCA tabard that I am making.  he took a picture but it hasn't shown up yet in my computer feed.  When it does I will share them.

Time to get off the computer and rest my eyes for a little bit.

Everybody have a safe and wonderful day.


Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...