Saturday, October 26, 2024

Updates on Projects - 10.26.24

      Let me see on what I have to report on.  You might have already seen some of this stuff but I'll mention it anyway.

     First up I found out that we can vote early so Dan picked me up and we went to vote.  He needed to go to the county seat anyway to renew his driver's license so we sort of made a day of it.  He managed to get his license renewed and the person gave directions on how to get to the place to vote.  We found it without any problems and then spotted the decorations on this vehicle that was parked outside of the voting place.

It was good to know that the skeleton wasn't from somebody who was waiting to vote.  LOL
We did get to vote though and then he took me to a favorite restaurant and we had homemade pie  :)  A good reward.

   Next up is Amethyst, the purple dragon.  The next dragon will be a teal one but I have to find the right floss for that before I start working on it.

   That brings me to my blackwork.  I am now starting on the final row of blocks which means that I can also start on the final border.  That is why it looks so jagged.  LOL

I am also working on another blackwork called Relax in Olive Green.  As you can see from this picture, I am not doing it in Olive Green.

I will start on my other blackwork project that a friend gave me but it uses the same blocks that my first picture uses so I am waiting, after three restarts, for the finish of that.  Then I will switch my method of quilting the other pattern called Geometrica.  Then I will not start from the center, where I get mixed up a lot, I will start from one of the corners.  Hopefully that will work better.
   I will also do some blackwork or cross stitch projects for Christmas.  Probably ornaments but I have to put them together?  Yuck.  Of course I might just send the finished stitched piece and let my crafting friends figure out how they want to finish it.  Is that bad of me?  Maybe.  Who knows.

   That is enough for an update for now.  I am working on other things but not enough to update you on them yet.  I hope everybody has a great day!

PS:  Isn't that a cute cake?  I couldn't resist sharing it.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blackwork Update - 10.5.24

   Happy weekend everybody!

   I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  It has been warm here in Arkansas and the cats have been enjoying the outdoors after the yard got cut.  

   I don't blame them  The area where you see brown spots is not as large as it appears in the picture.  Dan's yard guy(kid) brought over weed killer and with what he had leftover after spraying that little(?) between the neighbor's fence and my house he used around the tree and sidewalk and water meter.  Now the weeds are dead there and it is easier for the kid who sometimes stops by to mow

   That wasn't all that I got done.   I managed to finish the quilt block for the exchange which will be malted out on Monday but perhaps more importantly, I got caught up on the blackwork.

This was important since now I can start working on the right side border.  I probably won't get to that this week since I already have a lot to do, but soon I will be doing the final row on the center section as well as on the border.  :)

   That's about it for now.  I just wanted to share.  I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend,


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The layout for the red hexies

 Hi everybody.

   This is quick since I'm behind on a lot of things but I did snap a quick pix of the red hexies that I'm working on,  I have them all basted and soon, maybe tomorrow, I'll start to sew them into their individual flowers.  I have a lot to do yet on various projects.  Oh heck!  I just noticed I have another hexie that I haven't basted.  Well I guess that loner will have to be put on another post.  Here is what I have basted down so far,.

ignore the green leaves sticking out

They will soon be added to the growing supply on my design wall.

  That is it for now.  I'll put up another post later in the week for now I have to pretend that I'm busy quilting.  LOL.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...