Friday, November 29, 2024

Surviving Black Friday

 Hi everybody.  

    I hope you are surviving black Friday.  I don't expect to go out, except to feed the cats tonight.  The low tonight is expected to be around 27.  So I will stay inside and order a couple of things online.  Such exciting things like a 4 inch wooden embroidery  hoop.  What can I say.  When you need it you need it.  This is what I need it for.

   I will have to order some 4" hoops to put the ornament in.  I have plenty of 3" hoops but need to look into some more patterns that will fit in 3" hoops.  I have a couple already done that should fit in 4".  THEN I get to practice finishing.

    I have finished another dragon but can't remember if I shared it or not, so here it is.

    I have also finished another redwork block.  The last one before putting trimming the blocks.  

   As always I now have Nora up on the wall and she has settled nicely into her guard spot.

   That is about it for my progress report.  I did see this picture the other day and thought I might try to do something similar sometime.  No pattern, just the picture.  That might be a 2025 goal?  Who knows.

   I will end here with sharing a couple of  memes that I thought were cute.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving and...Another Oner Bites the Dust

    In the words of the Queen song...

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust (yeah)

   But what bit the dust?  Needles.  While I was stitching at my table, I managed to drop a needles on the floor.  Then, around 5 minutes later, ANOTHER one fell.  That is TWO needles that bit the dust, otherwise called my living room floor, that I couldn't find!  Sigh.  Sigh.   Yes I did two sighs since it was two needles.  They were both blunt needles so now I need to get some more blunt tip needles.  Still have enough sharps but my blunts are dwindling fast.
   I was working on my blackwork when I dropped them.  I would show you the progress pix but next week I get the last two sections so I will get them stitched and then show you the finished piece.  By this time next year, I might have enough blackwork to put into a four patch quilted wall hanging.  I told Dan yesterday that I want to get in 2025 another rod to go over the couch so I can hang up one more wall hanging.
   Yesterday was Dan's and my Thanksgiving since he will be going out of state on the day after Thanksgiving to visit friends.  Yesterday was his birthday so we just combined the two events into one.  I just gave him some fruitcake, he loves fruitcake, since I have been cooking and giving him dishes for his birthday fort the last two weeks.  I couldn't have him over on his birthday and not give him something.  LOL.  I wonder if he will take it with him on Friday when he leaves and has to drive between 4 and 6 hours.  It is supposed to be cold so he will probably stay at a hotel for a couple of nights so he isn't camping outside.  There is one that he usually stays at that is pretty good, is within 20 minutes of where his friends live, and he gets a military discount.
   I hope to have the Family redwork block finished by the weekend.  I will post a pix when I get it finished.  In the meantime, I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving.
    Hugs to all and my holiday meme today is:

Monday, November 18, 2024

A couple of finishes

 Yes you read that right.  I finally managed to get back into the stitching mode and had a couple of small finishes today.  So, of course, I wanted to share with you.

   The first finish was for my December block Exchange.  I started it with one design but didn't like how it was coming along so it is set aside and I went back to a favorite of mine...the Noel redwork block.    I don't think I ever get tired of doing the Noel bock.  

   The next thing that I finished was another Words of Wisdom block.  This time it was the Integrity block.  I only have one more block left before I need to figure out how I want to put it all together.

Did I show you my latest progress on my blackwork?  Here it is.  I'm getting into the home stretch and I can't wait.  

   I just noticed that I haven't posted a couple of other pix that I don't think I have posted.  This is sort of hard to see but it is my pix of me trying my hand a Kumihimo braiding.  I have to get some end caps before I can finish it  but it is a start.  Wish me luck.  I will need to get the end caps as I mentioned but I also need to get some jewelry pliers to close the end caps etc.  Slow progress but I think I like it.

This next picture is some of my redwork from years past.  I will reduce it  to 9 blocks so that I have a more realistic chance of finishing it.

This picture is my block from my October partner.  I love how it looks.  :)

  That is it for this trip.  I hope to be able to post more often but with the promises.  :)  If I don't post before Thanksgiving, please enjoy it with your family and friends.

Last Finish for February 2025

 Whew!  I managed to finish up another project just in time to end February.   I think I like it.  It is simple but colorful.  What do you t...