Sunday, January 19, 2025

Top is finished!

   I finished Dan's quilt top today.  I only have the top done but I just noticed I have a small patch to work on one side.  I will do that later.  Right now it is up on the wall and it was a pain for me to put up.  I might look in my stash for backing fabric tomorrow. 

    After I find it, I will be ironing fabric for Lily the dragon.  That should take up most of my day.  So far January is being productive!  I just couldn't wait to say I finished the top.  :)   

   I saw this picture the other day and thought it would be a cute octopus to stitch up.  It is a cross stitch pattern but I'm almost tempted to make it  into a wall hanging.  I'm not sure why I want to make it but I think it would be cute and a little different.


 That's it for this little update.  Every keep warm!

PS:  I couldn't resist adding these two pix.  LOL.

   Ok.  I'm rolling on out of here now.  

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mid Month Update - January 2025

    Can you believe it is the middle of January?  It is hard to believe and yet, unless the calendar lies to us, it is.  January has certainly had its ups and down.  First of all is the weather.  One week it is raining and the next it is snowing!  Somewhere in between those it is a nice day.  Today the high was a little over 50!  I liked that.  It is expected to rain and/or snow and/or freeze next week.  It might have one day of that over the weekend but who knows.

   I expect to have some kind of adverse weather on Friday.  Why?  Because Dan's sister died and he will be on the road with his daughter to attend the funeral.  That should be interesting.  It will be the first time some of the family has met his daughter.  That part is good, in a way, since it will give him something to do - like introduce her - to relatives she doesn't know.  He hasn't seen some of them since his father's funeral around 5-7 years ago.

  Then there is the craft projects. I have started on the 2025 Peppermint Purple stitch a long.  I am caught up and will work on this week's pattern soon.  There was a problem with me printing/  I suppose this is as good of a time as any to tell of my problems since my last post.  In actuality, in the last two days.  Sooooo here goes.

   I was  out of my sugar free cola so I made some coffee. I was on my third cup when it tipped over ONTO my keyboard.  Yeah, I'm sure you can guess ,my next statement.  That's right.  My keyboard quit working.  Shalom tried to find an extra one which he thought he had but he couldn't.  Day came today though and took me to Walmart so I got a keyboard and a few other things.  We got back to my place when we discovered that the keyboard wasn't in the vehicle.  Back into the vehicle and back to Walmart.  Luckily the keyboard was still in the cart that was in the cart corral and Dan quickly got out of the vehicle and grabbed it just as somebody was walking to put their cart away.   Whew!  So after being unable to type I had a lot of catching up to do.  I am mostly caught up now except I am a little behind on printing up some things.   I had to get some more printer ink.

   The ink was installed relatively quickly but then in the middle of printing, I lost my computer connection and it took around a half an hour to get it straightened out.  That started my 28 hours of on and off again computer connection.  Today it seems to have straightened out.  Hopefully with the upcoming weather, I won't have any more problems.  If no problems I hope to work on the blackwork, a cross stitch block,, and the four blocks for the wall hanging.  I might start out with cutting the fabric for Dan's zipper quilt first though.  I need to cut enough red fabric for 6 more zippers.  Then I will need to piece some of the black borders for it and decide if it will be wide enough or if I will have to add more borders.  

    Slowly I am getting my routine back to normal.  Oh...I forgot to mention that I ordered another keyboard off of Amazon so that I will have a spare when I need it again.  :)  

   That is it for my mid month report.  I hope everybody will stay safe, especially my friends who are experiencing bad weather.  Hugs.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Baby It's Cold Outside...

 and pretty cold inside too.  Everything is working fine  but when you have space heaters, it leaves a lot of the room chilled.  No busted pipes and no frozen pipes so I'm good.

In celebration, well that is what I am saying this time, I felt the need to sew.  I was getting frustrated with a new project so I dug out my sewing machine and stared at it for a couple of days.  Then, today, I actually accomplished two things.  First of all I sewed and the secondly I finished off an UFO.  Yeah, you read that right.  I finished something. 

I love the colors on this.  It isn't the best sewing job but it is a finish and it gets me back into quilting.  I will use it on my table that my compute sits on for now.  It should fit nicely.  

That's about it.  I just had to jump on and say Happy New Year, again, and to say that I FINISHED SOMETHING!!!!!

PS:  Don't forget...

It is all ready for binding now!

 I finally got all the buttons on.  Now it is time to think about the binding.  I think it is looking pretty good.