Whew! I managed to finish up another project just in time to end February.
I think I like it. It is simple but colorful. What do you think?
This will be the place where I chat about my life. Most of the time it will be about my crafts like quilting or cross stitch but it will also be about my gaming and family life.
Whew! I managed to finish up another project just in time to end February.
I think I like it. It is simple but colorful. What do you think?
Can you believe that I was 3 weeks behind on my Blackwork PPSAL? Well two weeks behind and then this week so a total of 3 weeks. Not any more though. I am now all caught up on it.
That felt good to get caught up on. Now I have to do the binding on the cat on the wall and it will be done. Hopefully I can get the binding done by the end of the month so I can keep up on my one small finish each month.
I will have another finish by the end of the week since I only have to do the binding on it. After I do that, I need to get back to working on Shalom's gambeson (quilted coat) repairs since he will need it next week. I won't finish all the repair by then but I will have the major ones done and then after the SCA event he can return it to me to work on more. I will be hand sewing down the binding around the armholes, neckline, the front and bottom. This is one of the projects which expand the more I look at it. LOL. It is precious to him since the great friend who made it for him died two weeks after finishing it. Anyway, it is time for me to try and get to bed. I hop everybody has a great night and better tomorrow.
Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork. This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long (SAL). It will be another two weeks before I have another update.
Another month has come and gone. Of course that means another day/month closer to better weather. i won't say no to that although we have had some nice temps the last couple of days. The next two days are supposed to be somewhat nice temps but more rain. Sigh. Not much is happening right now, Just thawing out and getting ready for the next cold wave, The reason I wanted to get this post in is because...drum roll please...I have a finish!
That is it for my report today. I hope everybody has a great day. Hugs to all.
Whew! I managed to finish up another project just in time to end February. I think I like it. It is simple but colorful. What do you t...