Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas everybody!

Merry Christmas everybody.

I hope that you are having a great Christmas.  I thought I'd share with you what I bought myself this year.  It's the (little drummer boy, a drum roll please)....

Karen K Buckley KKB39 4" to 24.5" Adjustable Square Quilting Ruler

It's like a puzzle that you put together so that you can go from 4" up to 24.5".   It's open in the middle so that if you do applique it doesn't get squished.  It comes in a beautiful 10" container.

The back of the box tells what you get.

Then you get to open it up (see?  Just like a Christmas present) and you see this.

It took me a day to get all that backing off of the puzzle pieces (what I think of them as) but they did come off.  Then, of course, I had to play with them and put them together.  I found that I needed a jeweler's mallet (around $5 from Walmart) to help put them together.  This was mentioned in one of the videos.  It should loosen up but for now it was needed.

After taking it apart again, I decided that I would put some batting in the bottom of the box to protect it a little bit more.

It now it's all protected and sitting in a corner.  I shall use it in 2019.  

Speaking of 2019.  Here is the picture of what the Fleur quilt looks like.  I shall be making a smaller version of it in 2019.  

Between now and January 1, 2019, I shall be deciding what I want to work on.  I'm also trying to cut back on my projects in the hopes that some will get done.  I have to flimsy's lined up for January and then start on Fleur which will be a block of the month.  I have the whole pattern but I'm going to turn it into a block of the month.

More on that later.  It's time to take out my turkey from the oven and chow down.  :)  

Hugs to all.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Happy Holidays

I have been busy at work but have finally calmed down a bit to be more productive.  I am happy to announce that I finished the Flimsy (the top) for a Christmas themed fabric rail fence.

It will be awhile before I finish it.  Maybe in July since everybody says Christmas in July is a thing.  I need to wait and see what fabric I can use for a border on it as well as for the back.  These fabric are really nice so I want to have a "good" fabric to use.  I have a couple that I auditioned but they were light colored and I think it calls for a darker fabric for the border.  I might use the lighter fabric for the binding but we'll see.  

The other things that I worked on AND FINISHED was my turtle paint chip challenge.  There are parts I'm not exactly pleased with but overall I like it a lot.  If I do another one of the series that this came from, I know what I would change.  There might be a dragonfly in the making for 2019.  :)

Now it's time to relax a bit and to share one of my favorite pictures with you.  Have a wonderful Christmas and be safe.  

Merry Christmas Eve!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...