Monday, December 24, 2018

Happy Holidays

I have been busy at work but have finally calmed down a bit to be more productive.  I am happy to announce that I finished the Flimsy (the top) for a Christmas themed fabric rail fence.

It will be awhile before I finish it.  Maybe in July since everybody says Christmas in July is a thing.  I need to wait and see what fabric I can use for a border on it as well as for the back.  These fabric are really nice so I want to have a "good" fabric to use.  I have a couple that I auditioned but they were light colored and I think it calls for a darker fabric for the border.  I might use the lighter fabric for the binding but we'll see.  

The other things that I worked on AND FINISHED was my turtle paint chip challenge.  There are parts I'm not exactly pleased with but overall I like it a lot.  If I do another one of the series that this came from, I know what I would change.  There might be a dragonfly in the making for 2019.  :)

Now it's time to relax a bit and to share one of my favorite pictures with you.  Have a wonderful Christmas and be safe.  

Merry Christmas Eve!

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