Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Decorating the Office

It's after Thanksgiving and the first day back in the office.  What does that mean?  Yep, you're right.  It means that it is time to decorate the office.  I need to do it right away since we are only in the office for around 3 weeks before we are off for Christmas.  I always love changing up the office decor and especially when it is Christmas themed!

Here are some pictures that I took.  First though let me share my snow.  PLEASE let me share the snow that we received the other night.

That is after I fell on my cement steps, hit my butt, head, and back, and THEN shoveled out the car a bit hoping that I could get it finished before more snow came.  After all of that Ibuprofen was my friend and still is.

So are you ready to see the office decor now?  I think my snow family are ready.  See them peeking into my office? 

Come on in and join them for the quick tour of my office.

This is still one of my favorites.  I love the sparkle of the beads/gems on it. 

It was so much fun to embroider!  This next one is also one of my favorites. 

As soon as the red quilt was put on the wall, the wall popped with color.  I am glad of it since this is what I will be looking at from my desk.  The snowman counts down to Christmas and was a present one year.  The Christmas Tree is bead work and done around 40(?) years ago and not by me.  I did, however, inherit it from Mom.  It was made by the grandchild of Mom's best friend (and my second mother).  She and her husband took Mom and I on vacations and out to eat and looked after us a bit after my Father died.  They were great friends.  Anyway, Bob and Ruth only had one female Grandchild who was NOT, according to her, crafty at all.  Much to Ruth's surprise, one Christmas she received this Christmas tree from her Granddaughter.  After Ruth passed on, her family gave it to Mom and then Mom gave it to me.

I put up my English paper pieced snowflake also.  Normally I don't put this up until January but I was on a roll.  I guess this means I will have to make something else to put up on the wall for January.  :)

That's it for now.  I hope you enjoyed looking at my decorations.  Have a great and safe night and remember to keep crafting, it doesn't matter which craft, for it feeds the soul.


Kathy G said...

Yikes! That's some serious snow. Glad to hear your tumble didn't cause any real damage.

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

I love your decorations!!! Never lose that joy of life! Hugs, Deb

Patty said...

Yeah all that snow looks a lot like the snow we have here in Maine. I love your decorations. I would like to make more wall hangings and maybe get some put up in my small craft space in my bedroom. If I do I will be sure to share. You have inspired me.

Benjamin Matthews said...
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Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...