Saturday, November 17, 2018

Sales and More Sales!!!!!This

 Tis the season to spend money but when you can get some good sales, I'm not going to complain...much.  Here is what I've recently purchased and I really couldn't resist much since they were all on sale.  First of all this, besides some blouses, came from Salvation Army.

Bedspread and 2 matching pillow shams for $8

Pillow Sham

$3 for this small wall hanging

Then the other day I received an email saying that Connecting Threads was having a remnant sale.  I had ignored the sale email from Thousands of Bolts (and only one nut) but I am weak and can resist only so much!  So I clicked on that oh so handy button and soon was zipping through the internet to Connecting Threads.  Here is what I scored.

$3.50 a yard

I'm having problems adding the other pictures so let's try something else.

Celebration $1/yd

Colette - Grey - $3.50 yd

Little Pumpkins - Multi - $3.50/yard

Autumn Joy Panel - $1 a panel

Pirouette - Wine - $1/yd

Squiggle Star - $3 / yd

Tiny Buds - Evergreen - $3/yd

That should keep me out of trouble for a little bit.  My friend Connie ordered 3 yds of the pumpkins and 3 yards of the Colette but the rest is MINE!!!!!! (insert joyous laughter which quickly turns a little spooky).

I've taken up enough of your time.  I hope to get to work on some things with the holiday upon us but we'll see.  I have some kits that need to be done before I can play with these.

Everybody have  a great weekend and holiday.


Marsha Clark said...

Wow, That is quite a score Sis ! Nice.........

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

You got some GREAT deals there! Nice fabrics hon! Hugs, Deb

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...