Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Block Magazine and straightening up

I received 3 Block Magazines (from MSQC) today in the mail.  These were some past issues that were on sale. 

I also managed to buy some of the electronic versions of a couple more Block Magazines.  It will be nice to go through some of them.  I had forgotten that I also ordered the Missouri Star Quilt Co. BLOCK 2019 Calendar.  That I was a little disappointed in.  I had hoped they would have had the patterns in there but they didn't.  To give them credit though, they did tell where to find the pattern (in which block issue or online).  

I haven't felt that great this week but I did manage to get back to sorting fabric a little bit.  I don't have a great system and Lord knows I don't have a lot of storage, but it is a start.

the boxes of my smaller scraps (the soccer ball box is for themed fabric)

This stack is some of my larger pieces.  
They aren't sorted yet by color but the stack on the back of the couch which has the green leaves with red side border is topping some Christmas themed fabric.  I have some more stacks to make.  On the floor, but no picture, is a tote where I put the small pieces until I start to sort them.

That's it for now.  I hope everybody is having a great week!

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