Saturday, November 24, 2018

Playing with Fabric

I spent my day playing with Fabric.  It wasn't productive in the sense that I made anything. It was productive since I folded a BUNCH of fabric.  Here is the picture of it all sitting on my folding table waiting for me to put it away.

Almost all of the stacks of fabric have 8-10 folded fabric in it.  There are couple of smaller stacks which only have around 3.  Tomorrow I will probably put them in my cubbyhole shelves.  I might have to sort them by color a little better.

I did not do one thing that perhaps I should have.  I just folded it and did not iron the fabric first.  That would have taken too long (for me) and I normally iron fabric before using it.  I did find a fabric (well more than one) that I had forgotten I had.

I think this will be used for one of those window patterns. You might have seen them before.  It looks like you are looking through the window from the inside and seeing what is outside.    I just have to figure out how to do it. 

I hope you all had a great holiday and are enjoying your weekend.

That's it for tonight.   Stay being positive and keep negativity out of your life.  You'll be happier.

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