Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On the Last day of March, I decided to.....

post a video that I took on a walk around the 26th.

Oh yeah, did you start to sing that title of this post to the tune of The 12 days of Christmas?  Ok, it might just be me.  Anyway here is the short video.

Enjoy it and have a great day.

Monday, March 30, 2020

March is almost gone

Tomorrow is the last day of March.  I can't believe it is here already.  We've had the rain the last couple of days and we still have our water laying around.

The water is starting to go down now but I wish we would get just a little more rain to wash away the mud that came with the rain.

Still is hasn't stopped the mail from getting through.  Much to my surprise, my new glasses came in the mail.  I thought that I wouldn't be able to get them until after the stay at home decree is over with.  I didn't think that they would come in the mail!

I got two pairs from America's Best.  These are bifocals and it is taking me a bit to get  used to them.  I wanted to go with glasses that wouldn't restrict my vision when I was working on them.

The bottom pair is a little larger field of vision than the top pair although I like the top pair better.  It's ok.  They are both the same prescription so the larger pair can be more of a back up pair. I will go back to the store and get them adjusted for my face when I can.

How is everybody?  Have a Teddy Bears?  Yes my section of DeKalb is going to do the Teddy Bear thing.  Know what that is?  Anybody who has a Teddy Bear puts it in a window so that kids have something to point to and try to have something to keep them occupied on walks, etc.  I don't have a teddy bear, or at least one that isn't packed up, so I am going to put a dragon in the window.  We'll see if anybody mentions it.

Dan reserved the moving van today.  It is a 26' Penske truck.  We started out with a 16' one but then decided that we needed a larger one.  We were going to go with a 22' but they discontinued that size.  At least things won't be crowded!

I also found out that there will be room my new home for a small (7 cubic foot) chest freezer.  I am totally happy about that.  It will help when I do my freeze ahead meals as well as stocking up on groceries since I will only get paid once a month.  It might have to go in by the washer and dryer but that is ok too.  I can always use it as extra space to fold clothes.

That's it for my update today.  Everybody stay safe and keep in touch.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

What I've been up to

Not the most original title for my blog but what the hey, I'm posting again right?

It's funny sometimes how you don't do something until you are told you shouldn't do it or can't do it.  That is the times we are in right now.  It's serious and while I know that inside of me, I don't like to dwell on negatives.  I did that for over 5 years and I will not go back to that place in my mind and heart.  How do I *not* go there?  I try to think on the positive side of life.

For instance, here is a link to how people can make face masks.  Either for themselves or others.  It's simple and quick.  Will I be making any?  Not in the foreseeable future since my sewing machine is packed up for the move.  Hopefully this health crisis will be ended by the time I move.


Music is another positive.  I love music.  Can't sing a note though I should say, to be accurate, can't sing a note and keep on key.  I can certainly sing off key.  I won't put you through that but I will share a Josh Groban and Kelly Clarkson duet which is beautiful.


Another thing that I love is watching animals.  I am sitting at my computer and watching people walking their dogs and smiling.  Smiling is something that will make you feel better.  Something that made me smile the other day is my mail.  How often can you say that?  I sent out my Suduko wall hanging to Missouri Star Quilt Company to quilt.  I wanted to see how it would turn out.  Sort of a test for possible other projects down the road.  It came back. I thought the price was reasonable.  I bought the backing fabric from them also.  I did pay another $25 dollars for expedited delivery.  It was a special they were running. 

I really like the backing material.  They sent back the extra so I might be able to use it for binding.  I chose to do my own binding.  They charge quite a bit to do the binding which I might say yes to if it was a large quilt but not this small one.

There was a variety of quilting motifs to choose from.  This is just for me so I chose a meander.  I do like how it came out.

Could I have done it myself?  Perhaps.  I don't do FMQ and, to be honest, the quilting part of it is not my favorite thing to do.  It might be.  Maybe when I have more time I will like it more?  Hard to tell.

That's about it for now.  I think I will take a short nap and then, gasp, pick up my Delft Sampler to work on. 

Take care everybody and stay well.


Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...