Friday, February 11, 2022

Medical Upate 2.11.22

    Well I got back from my eye doctor appointment and thought I'd update my blog with the news.  It is both good and bad actually.  One of the good news is that I'm not going back until 3 weeks.  Part of that is fiscal so that Dan doesn't have to come and take me abnd use up all that gas now that it is over #$3 a gallon.  Remember it is an hour drive for him and that adds up quickly.

   The other good news is that the doctor was able to see part of my lens this time on the left eye.  This is the first time that he could so that is improving.  The right eye is still good.  The pressure is still good in both eyes.  The number was 14 which is well within the parameters of what it should be.  

   Unfortunately it wasn't all good.  Now I have cataracts.  The one in the right eye is just starting but the left eye is more progressive.  It appears that the infection that I have is known to exce;erate tje growth (?) of cataracts.  It looks like surgery will be in my future but before that can happen, the left eye still needs to improve more.

   More updates will be coming and I thank everybody who keeps me in their prayers.  

   Please stay safe and warm everybody!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

February check in

    It's almost mid February and I realize that I haven't checked in yet this month.  Can't have that now can we.  We?  I'm not sure who the "we" is but operhaps I'm talking about the royal we.  When I can't see to do much else, my brain goins into all sorts of directions.  Makig up stories is just one of the avenues it travels down.

   I'm still taking the steroid eye drops and really does't have much to report in with.  I have problems with seeing things that don't stand out on the page, etc.  So the things that help me the most is the size of print, for instance, as well as it being a dark color on a light background.  It's the contrast that helps me see.  I go back to the eye doctor tomorrow so hopefully he will have something else to report.

   What do I do in the meantime?  I take a LOT of naps.  LOL.  I talk on Jitsi with my friend Susan who helps me "read" some of the things I can't so I can go on with life.  You know, things like what does this bill say I owe and when?  I can see a lot of them but not always.  I reprinted by hand a lot of the information with a sharpie so that I can still sign in to pay bills etc.  It's not perfect but one does what what can to get along, right?

   Did I mention that one of my bills was that leak in the water?  The meter said I used over 21,000 gallons of water.  Found out that there was a leak but it leaked out into the backyard which I NEVER go into this time of the year.  Who know how long it had been going on.  Anyway, I talked to the Water Department and after a lot of "do this and we'll do this", it is finally worked out.  The original bill was around $200 and after getting it fixed so that there wasn't any more leaks, they adjusted it to around $100.  THAT, while still large, was much better.

   Another thing that I am doing is cooking.  Ok, I always cook so that isn't too different but I try to convince myself it IS different so I think I'm not just being lazy etc.  I am trying to keep a bit more data on my cooking.  To help keep my budget under control, I'm trying to keep track how long it takes me to finish a dish.  Does the dish actually only last me 2 meals vs. the 4 that they say?  Does it last me 6 meals, etc.  By writing it all down, it has changed up my grocery budget (for the better).  I should have done this before.  This February I ended up writing down a whole bunch of meal ideas before I went to the store.  Remember that I only go once a month so that helped me out a lot.  Looking back at my tracking I'm seeing that I still have quite a bit of the groceries still in the cupboard.  Now to try and convince myself not to buy more than I really need.  I guess this means that I should start to think of meals for March.  February being so short March arrives before I know it.

   My eye is telling me that it is time to rest it again.  that and mynose is running sinice I put a bit more pepper in my chili I made this morning than usual.  Good for clearing up sinuses anyway.  :)   I also made rice this morning so tomorrow I can have some fried rice.  

   I hope that everybody has a great day.  Stay safe and warm.

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...