Wednesday, November 23, 2022

What I've been up to and Thanksgiving Prep

 I know I've said this one or twice before but....where has the time gone to?

I've been sewing up some tablecloths and napkins for the holidays and here are my groupings.  

The red napkin with the raven embroidered on it is for my feast gear for my SCA events.  The raven stands for the Shire of Ravenshold.  I made two others but one is destined to  be given to somebody who is in our Shire and just was recognized by our local court and is destined to become a Knight.  It's a big thing in the SCA.  The other one went to Dan for his feast gear as part of his birthday present which is two days after Thanksgiving.  The other part of his present was a draft stopper.

He chose the longer one (made out of African fabric) and I gave it to him early also since we had some cold and windy days.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I've started to gather up ingredients and group them out for tomorrow's holiday food.

I've also set my table and changed out some of the quilts that I hang up.  Before Dan leaves, he has promised to help me change out the quilts again for the Christmas and winter ones that I want to hang up.  I can do it but he worries about me being clumsy (he's learned that over the 25 years we've been friends) so he said he would do that tomorrow.  Between his long arms and my stepladder it will be a breeze.

Now I have to get back to seeing what I can make ahead of time and plot out my time.  My kittens/cats and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.


esther said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie. Love your cats. And your projects look great. Keep on making new projects. Hugs and prayers.

Bonni said...

Thank you Ms. Esther!

Marsha Clark said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sis ! <3 Hugs
Pretties !

Bonni said...

Thank you Marsha! I hope you have a great Holiday!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...