Thursday, January 25, 2024

What a Day!

 Today is a Hurkle-Durkle day.  It is raining on and off and the kind of damp that puts a chill in your bones.  Still not sure what it is?  Maybe this will help.

Isn't that such a great phrase?  Besides that, I was pretty busy the other day.  I was busy enough that I had to write it down to remind me of everything.  So here goes.

   - Did dishes.  Ok.  Not that great of an accomplishment but it was a start.  I do dishes in the morning or when my hands gets cold because the hot water warms them up.  Of course it isn't too bad right now since our temperatures are in the mid 50s.

- Printed up this weeks pattern for Free Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long.  That is my blackwork Stitch a long.  I did finish this weeks pattern which is the fourth for the new one. Where did the time go?  It has been four weeks already?

I have my second one that I am doing but unfortunately it is the third time I am having to unstitch it.  I will get it eventually straightened out.  I just need to sit down and concentrate on it.

- With all of that, it was time to drink coffee with my vanilla caramel coffee creamer in it.  YUMMMM!  That might not seem like something to celebrate (besides getting caffeine in the system) but sometimes we have to remind ourselves to sit and take a break sometimes.

- Looked at new/old recipes.  That is something I am always happy to do and it was good to look for while drinking coffee.  This is the recipe that I decided to make.

Ham and Cheese Pasta Casserole



• 1 (16 ounce) package elbow macaroni

• 1 (8 ounce) package Cheddar cheese, cubed

• 1 cup cubed, cooked ham

• ½ cup mayonnaise

• 1 cup dry bread crumbs



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook elbow macaroni in the boiling water, stirring occasionally, until cooked through but firm to the bite, 8 minutes; drain.

3. Combine macaroni, Cheddar cheese, ham, and mayonnaise in a 9x13 baking dish until well mixed.

4. Sprinkle bread crumbs over the macaroni casserole.

5. Bake casserole in the preheated oven until bread crumbs are lightly browned, about 25 minutes.

- Stitched on February 2014 Block Swap.  I now only have the green leaves and vines to do and it will be done with.  I will probably finish it by Monday.

- Brought back garbage container to porch in between rain – so far no leaks (shhh.  You didn’t hear me say that – don’t want to tempt fate).  Another thing that isn't a big deal but it did take up time.  Have you realized that sometimes it is the multiple little things that take up your time.

- Made out two shopping lists – what I want to get and what I NEED to get – and go back to planning meals.  Dan will take me to Walmart for some cat food and caffeine in the next day or two. I need to get my list ready.

- Worked on Words of Wisdom redwork.  I have one of the birds stitched and about 75% of the second bird done.  After that it will go quickly.  This is one of the UFOs that was drawn to work on in January.  I won't get it all finished but it will have at least 2 of the blocks done.  PROGRESS!

- Try to work on Battle HAED Cross stitch.  Ok.  Progress on this means that I too it out and looked at it.  That counts doesn't it?  I will get to it again soon.  It is very bulky and  think that is what is putting me off on it.  I will work on it again.

- Stitched up socks (not darned).  I just hand stitched some small holes in them.  That will hold them for quite awhile.

- Get my YouTube list set up – I always set up my YouTube playlist (all free vids, etc.) before stitching so that it is playing in the background and that I can watch what I want to, save the ones I want to rewatch, etc.  I cannot do stitching in quiet.  All the years of noise from the office, noise at home, etc. says I need it even if it is only in the background.  Sometimes (more than I would normally admit) I have my favorite movies or vids on because when they get to a part I like, I look up and watch it and know exactly where they are at in it.


That was all yesterday.  Today hasn't been as productive BUT I did manage to start the day off in a good place.  My milestone today was getting into a pair of jeans that I was wearing when I first moved to Arkansas.  THEN I gained weight.  I am still overweight, and probably will always be overweight, but today I decided to try on the smaller size pair and they fit.  Not only did they fit...but they fit while I was wearing my thermals.  That made my day.   So remember...


Crafty Pat said...

Hurkle-Durkle Day! I love it! I celebrate it quite often!
Love your blog and your work! I’ve been organizing this week! Had some boxes from our move that I had to empty. Forced myself to abstain from sewing until I did. I should have taken pictures, but everything has a home. My closet floor is cleared as are a couple spaces in my garage! I have 2 organized tote for things that will have a permanent home as soon as I get it out together. It might remain in a tote until my son comes to visit!
I’ve been working on a couple ufo’s but some didn’t make the cut. They were from my early quilting days and they were too bad to salvage! And hope to have my first bargello done in the next couple days! A Christmas gift for Xander. He was going to help over Christmas break with design, but we got side tracked!
Stay warm and take care!

Bonni said...

Thanks Pat. I too have found some old projects that will never get completed so I salvaged what I could and will think of something else to do with it. Keep up on working on the UFOs. It is always good to make progress no matter how large or small it may be. :)

Nikki said...

Bonni, keep it up with the Leo and Stich saying's because they are awesome. You do amazing work. 🤗😘

Bonni said...

Thanks Nikki. Yes they ARE awesome. I'll do my best to see if I can insert them more often. :)

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