Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Sunday and Some Project Updates

 Happy Sunday everybody!

     Are you getting ready for Memorial Day?  Any special plans?  I will be staying home and stitching.  I am going to treat myself, no matter if it is on my diet or not, to some corned beef hash and an egg for breakfast.  Dinner might be the other half of the corned beef hash so I only have one bad-ish day.  LOL.  Probably salad again for lunch  I like salads for lunch.  Other than that I will be stitching.

   What will I be stitching on?  The usual suspects.  If I make enough progress I will start preparing for another dragon block.  I did a layout of Fleur and it is coming along.  Not all of these blocks are fully stitched.

     I have to prepare another 3 full blocks for the last row but don't have enough 9 patch blocks made.  That won't take to long and then I can go back to the love I like more,,,the stitching.  After I finish the main blocks, I will start on the triangle pieces that go in between the outside rows.  I will have to piece blocks for that too before I can get to the fusing.  One step at a time.
     The other block I am working today will be the Wisdom block for Words to Live By.  Here is this week's progress pix.

   As you can see I don't have much left and then onto DRAGONS!  Well one dragon anyway.  LOL.

   I hope you have a great extended weekend.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

This week's updates - and a new recipe

 Hello everybody.

   What a week it has been,  I'm still adjusting to this life of tracking my blood sugar and blood pressure and what I eat.  I did go see my new doctor and I liked him.  It seems that he is open to listening to what I want and not do everything all at once.  The good news, from my perspective anyway, is that my sugar level dropped a little in between the time ER took it and this doctor took it.  Not much but at least it was lower.  Of course it is still high but at least it is under 10 now.  He did a test that shows a whole bunch of stuff.  I know that it is filled with both good and bad stuff.  He will call me in the morning tomorrow to go over it.  Tomorrow afternoon I have the wound doctor appt so it is another day of running around.  I did get a sugar level tester, whatever it is called, so now I have to do that twice a day.  When I talk to the doctor I will ask him if I can cut it back to once a day because my insurance will only cover 1x day for the testing supplies.  We'll see.  

   Because of all of the diabetic upheave I didn't get much craft wise done.  I did some stitching on one of the Fleur blocks.  I am trying to do at least 1/4 of the block every two days.  So far that is working out.  It is better than no progress, right?

   Today I hope to get the next block for Words to Live By copied until fabric. Not sure if I will get a chance to start to stitch it today but it will be ready for when I get to it.

   If I have time today, I will try to get the next dragon pattern transferred to the fabric.  It will be Rosie.

  Now for the recipes.  The first one I liked and will make again.  It is for a breakfast tortilla.  It is simple and I half of it for breakfast and I will have the other half for lunch.  It is made on a 10 inch tortilla.  I used a medium size springform  pan so it would be easy to take out.  So I put the tortilla in the spring form pan.  Then I mixed 2 eggs and a half cup of cottage cheese.  I mixed them up and then pour it on top of the tortilla.  Then I put some spinach leaves and a 1/4 cup of diced tomato on next.  I topped it off with 1/8 cup of shredded cheese. Just put it into the oven (350F) for around 25 minutes or until the eggs are set.  It turned out pretty good.


    The next new recipe I will probably make is a whipped cottage cheese and pickle dip.

It serves 4

1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/2  up chopped dill pickles
2 TBSP pickle juice
2 TBSP white wine vinegar
2 TBP dill
2 TBSP chives
1/2 teas garlic powder
1/2 teas onion powder
1/2 teas salt

Garnish with what you want but suggestions:  chopped dill pickle, black pepper


In a food processor blend the cottage cheese until smooth,.  Add in everything else and mix well.  Let it rest for a little bit (probably around 15 minutes at least).  

   I have the nutrional information on it if anybody is interested.  I will, of course, let you know it turns out.

That is it for this short post.  I hope everybody has a great day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Hi! Remember me?

    I'm the person who is suppose to keep you informed on what I'm making.  I've gotten a little behind but a lot has been going on in my life.  

   I guess the biggest thing is that I was diagnosed with with Diabetes and now I am concentrating more on what to cook that is better for me.  I haven't seen the diabetic doctor/nutritionist yet.  That should be in the next couple of weeks.  I finally have a general doctor that I'm supposed to seeing in a couple of days.  My wound doctor referred me to him.  Oh yeah, did I mention the wound doctor?  I happened to have gotten an infection on my left foot and finally went to the doctor when it wasn't getting  better.  It went from being regular blisters and then they popped and got infected.  What led him to believe I was diabetic before he got the A1C rating back (10.1)?  He saw blisters and thought that I got them from a space heater (guilty of having one close by feet) and I couldn't tell when my foot was to close to the space heater by noticing that the blisters were under the foot and at the ends of the toes and on top by the arches.

   Neuropathy stopped me from feeling the blisters developing.  That is when the wound doctor took some tests and discovered I was diabetic.  Once he told me that, I started to eat healthier in the hopes that I won't be having to have shots.  I needed to eat better and more controlled for ages so this is the boot to the posterior to get me going.  

   Dan gave me a blood pressure unit so that I watch that also.  My blood pressure was very high which wasn't news to me.  It normally is high when I go to see the doctor and waiting a couple of hours in ER before seeing a doctor sent it sky rocketing.  Now I can check it twice a day at home.  

   Yes I said ER.  Shalom had dropped by to see me and I was in the middle of changing the bandage.  He took one look, called Dan, and before I knew it Shalom was taking me to the ER.  Dan was getting some supplies that I would need and calling us every 30 minutes since I hadn't called him.  Why call when I hadn't seen the doctor yet?  Men.  :)  They are good friends.  Oh, another little chuckle was when Shalom, who refused to stay in waiting room since he wasn't sure I would tell him ALL the doctor said,  and I got to the ER room and they had a TV that we could watch while waiting for a doctor to see us.  In between all the aids and nurses coming in, we discovered that we couldn't change the channel and guess what was playing.  A doctor's series and the person that all the doctor's were gathering around their bed were discussing an infected foot.  Sigh.  We just laughed but Shalom and I did get tired of repeating ourselves whenever a new person came into the room.  It got to the point that Shalom started to answer the questions instead of me since he had heard it so often.  LOL.  

   THEN, when I got a couple of prescriptions, Shalom took me to Walgreens  to get them filled.  By now it was raining and he took my paperwork in with him and I stayed in the car so my damaged foot wouldn't get wet.  While he was inside, Dan called me because the ER had called him (I had listed him as my contact person) and mentioned that we didn't pick up the actual prescription.  While talking to Dan, Shalom came back to the car, handed me a plastic bag that I could tie around my foot to keep the bandages dry and I told him Dan's message.  He had figured that out when the Pharmacy told him they couldn't fill the prescription since he didn't have the right paperwork.  Another trip back to the ER and he made me stay int he car while he went in to get the actual prescription and then back to Walgreen's.  Talk about an adventure!  So now I have to go to the Wound Specialist every week for a bit.  

   NOW, in between that, I have to go to see the regular doctor who hinted that in addition to seeing him, I'll probably have to go see a diabetes specialist.  Not much time in between all these doctor appointments.  If  Dan and I weren't busy enough with MY doctor's appointments, it is that time of the year that he has to go to see HIS doctor.  That means that this week  I have two doctor's appointments and he has one.  Next week I have at least one doctor's appointment  and he has one.  He is certainly getting driving time in!

   There isn't much time left to do some crafting but I did finish some more blocks.  Herer are a couple of quick update pix for you.

   In addition to continuing to work on these two projects, I managed to get a small mug rug finished so I can send it to a friend.  If  you see this before you get it Susan, ignore this pix.  LOL

   I will wait until my next update before showing my blackwork.  I have two weeks to do which will be done by next week. I do have one more thing to show you.  I received my exchange block and I am attaching a picture of it.

   That is it for a quick update.  Well, many it wasn't so quick but it is at least an update.  Now to go and fugue out what I have on hand that I can eat.

   I hope you all have a great day and remember:

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...