Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Sunday and Some Project Updates

 Happy Sunday everybody!

     Are you getting ready for Memorial Day?  Any special plans?  I will be staying home and stitching.  I am going to treat myself, no matter if it is on my diet or not, to some corned beef hash and an egg for breakfast.  Dinner might be the other half of the corned beef hash so I only have one bad-ish day.  LOL.  Probably salad again for lunch  I like salads for lunch.  Other than that I will be stitching.

   What will I be stitching on?  The usual suspects.  If I make enough progress I will start preparing for another dragon block.  I did a layout of Fleur and it is coming along.  Not all of these blocks are fully stitched.

     I have to prepare another 3 full blocks for the last row but don't have enough 9 patch blocks made.  That won't take to long and then I can go back to the love I like more,,,the stitching.  After I finish the main blocks, I will start on the triangle pieces that go in between the outside rows.  I will have to piece blocks for that too before I can get to the fusing.  One step at a time.
     The other block I am working today will be the Wisdom block for Words to Live By.  Here is this week's progress pix.

   As you can see I don't have much left and then onto DRAGONS!  Well one dragon anyway.  LOL.

   I hope you have a great extended weekend.


A Walk With Susan said...

Bonni your Fleur is coming along so well. Boy can you put out the stitching, you do an amazing job with all of it. Hope you enjoy your holiday.

Bonni said...

Thank you so much! I hope you and your family have a good holiday too.

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...