Thursday, June 6, 2024

Hello and Updates


   Hello everybody!

   Are you ready for another update?  Perhaps I should ask myself that since I'm not sure where I left off.  So I guess I will start with my health update before I get to my craft update.  As I think I mentioned before, I have been diagnosed as being diabetic.  I'm not freaking out over it because mom and Tony had diabetes and I learned stuff from them.  Not only that but I have good friends who have diabetes so my support system is pretty good.  This week was a little up and down with my A1C numbers but yesterday I ate raisins and cottage cheese too late in the evening so my morning blood sugar was WAY high.  As in the highest it has ever been.  So that meant that I had to be a good girl for the whole day and it dropped so much that it was low then when I tested it in the evening.  Sigh.  LOL.  It will level out and I am still keeping track of the numbers, good and bad, to show the doctor later in the month.  So much testing, though, led to another slight problem.  I am going through my test strips and now only have enough left for 1 day.  Dan is taking me to pantry and Walmart tomorrow so I called the doctor and he is trying to get me some more for me to pick up tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes.

   All of these changes are causing me to rethink what I eat  and what I do for meal prep.  In order to do this, I broke down and bought some adult bento boxes.  These are larger than the normal size so I'll see how it works out.  They arrived the other day and I immediately put one to work to see how it goes.  Here is a pix of the dimensions of the boxes.

   It will take me a bit to get used to what I will put in them.  So far I will think of putting in various pre measured out salad makings.  Another option will be to pre portion out some cottage cheese and fruit.  Now to figure out what else to use them for,.

   Now on to crafting.  I mad some good progress on my Fleur blocks.  I am working on the last one of the simpler block and then will start on catching up on the more elaborate blocks.  I have 4 of them to do and then I can start to fill in the blocks that will be filler.   Wish me luck in having enough fabric.

   I have started on another brown work piece.  This one is a combination of a couple of different patterns.  I was just doing it to keep me busy and to give me a break from the SAL and a couple of other projects.  Here is what I have done so far and also it should give you an ide of what the border will look like as well as what the center is.

      I also managed to start prepping things for the next Words of Wisdom block as well as the next Baby Dragon block.  The next Words of Wisdom is Thankful. I am certainly thankful for all of you that take the time out of your busy day to read my postings.  Thanks!  The previous block was wisdom and since I wasn't sure if I posted a final pix of it or not, here is one.

   The next dragon block has both a mama dragon as well as a baby dragon in it.  They are red dragons.  
I have used a blue sharpie to go over my lines so that it will be easier when I draw them onto the fabric.  

   These two dragons already have names.  The mama dragon is named Suthol which means Lady of the Red.  Her daughter is Pannas the Fire Starter.  If you remember the red dragon that I did earlier, which might end up on the back for a label, is the daddy.  His name, which Pannas told me, is now Irdini which means Lord of the Red.  I think they are a cute family.  I just hope they use fire proof materials for their lair!

   As Sunbonnet Sue is showing me, it is time to take my laundry out of the washer and get it hung up.

  I hope you have a great day and keep crafting. 

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Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...