Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hello from Hot Arkansas

      Wow!  I new that Arkansas was going to be hot but our heat index today is supposed to be around 110F.  The actual temperature is supposed to be around 98. So what does one do in those temps?  As little as possible.

     In my case, it will be, in no particular order...

   Working on redwork

   Taking Naps

   Planning on what to have to eat

   threading needles.

   Does that look like a funny list?  It is what I do most of the time but if I had just said I was doing the same thing I did every day, it would be a short post.  I did take some pictures so you get today updates.

  Let's start on redwork.  There is the red dragon block.  It is coming along ok but I can see that I will have to erase some of my lines and redraw them.  In the meantime I will work on what I can.


    The other redwork is my Words of Wisdom block.  I am making good progress on that.  It should not take too long to finish.

   This is my off week for my blackwork but since I can't remember if I posted this up before or not, I will post it now.  This was two weeks ago.  Tomorrow this week's pattern will be released so then I will do two weeks of blackwork.

     Next up is this month's UFO.  That will be something a bit different for me.  I have a UFO of Candlewicking .  I finally got back to it, or should I say I started it,  I'm not sure who gave it to me perhaps Susan?, but this is my year to work on it.  Here is my progress so far as well as the picture of what it is SUPPOSED to look like when it is finished.

      Let's see, what else do I have to report on?  Oh yes.  My block exchange.  I received my latest block and I like it.

     I just received my partner's name for July but am debating on what I will do.  She is heavy into helping Veterans and doing quilts for the vets.  I think that is great and awesome.  I was going to change up what I normally do for July but considering this, I might stick to the eagle.  That is my favorite patriotic quilt block.  

    I have some quilting projects (new) in mind but I haven't pulled fabric or anything for them.  That is mostly because I need my sewing machine out to do them and I just don't have the energy to pull it out and set it up.  When I do I will hare with you.  Besides some patterns off the internet I am also inspired by the flooring in a restaurant.
    Dan took me out to a Chinese restaurant after one of my doctor's appointment and I saw this pattern on the floor.  Being the good friend that he is, he waited for me to snap a picture of it.

   I also had to stop and take a picture of their Koi pond.  It is so lovely to watch.

     That isn't the only place he has recently taken me.  He took me to a steak place  (Colton's) and OMG!  The food was terrific.  

     I also liked the picture of the map that was hanging in their entryway.  

     In fact we liked it so much he took me again after my doctor's appointment on Monday.  This time we didn't have as good service and the Monday cook didn't know, evidently, what it meant when somebody ordered Medium steak.  I had to send it back and ate the mushrooms and green beans while waiting.  In the end it was ok.  I took home leftovers and this morning I had steak tostadas for breakfast.

     I was totally happy to see that my sugar levels were still good after eating out.  I still have some of the steak left which I might have tonight or tomorrow...I'm not sure yet.  That was the success of cooking this week but the failure was when I forgot I had carrots cooking on my stove and I have to now have to throw out my favorite 2 qt. pot.  Sigh.

   That is about it for my updates this time.  I hope everybody stays cool and has a great day.


Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

Great blog Bonni! I've been dealing with type two diabetes for 10 years now and have had success. I've learned to eat foods that my body has to work to digest: whole apples versus apple juice. baked potatoes versus potato chips. It's a new way of thinking about food and eating more like what our grandparents did. Good luck and it sounds like you're doing a great job navigating your new eating style! Hugs, Deb

Bonni said...

Thanks Deb. It isn't too bad. My A1C numbers have dropped so now they are, so far, between 5.14 and 5.5. Dr. is happy and I don't need to go see him again for 3 months. Those numbers are also even after Dan and I go out to eat. :)

Vicki (Jo Sews) said...

My father once told me to never go out to eat on Monday, as that is the main chef’s day off. 😁

Bonni said...

I think he might have been right Vicki. :) Don't get me wrong, but the B team of waiters/waitresses and chef/cooks were working that day. It was still good food but not as good as the last time.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...