Sunday, March 9, 2025

Welcome to March !

    As predicted,  time flew by and it is almost the middle of March already!  Where does the time go?  I have posted a little bit about what I have done so far this year so I thought I would let you know what I have done in March already.

   I am all caught up on my Blackwork PPSAL but won't post a picture today.  I will wait until I finish this upcoming weeks block and then post it.  I haven't worked on my secondary blackwork pieces since I am trying to catch up on some UFOs.  

   This month's UFO finish will be my butterfly quilt.  I hope to have it totally finished by the end of the month but if not, I will have it all done except for the binding.  I haven't found the right binding fabric yet.  The quilting was done by hand, and not very good, because I had a devil of  a time getting it all squared up and sandwiched together.  Finally I put it in time out for 12 hours and then I tried to do it by hand and that seemed to work.  It took forever for me to get it sandwiched so I didn't want to mess it up again so I just quilted it with big stitch hand quilting.  The next stumbling block came when I tried to stitch on buttons.  I have stitched buttons for almost forever, but it didn't work this time so, in order to retain my sanity, I am gluing them on.  That should work for quite awhile since it is only going to hung up for a limited time in a years space. Did I mention that I love my wooden butterfly buttons?

   The other thing that I worked on was stitching a block with Stick n Stitch.  If you haven't heard of it before, Missouri Star Quilt Company has some of it as well others on Etsy etc.  Basically it is a pattern that is put on dissolving material.  You press it onto your background fabric it is sticky on one side) and then you stitch it.  When done, you run it under running warm water and the unwanted background fabric dissolves.  Here is what my sample piece looks like.  There are pros and cons on it but I might buy some of the blank dissolvable paper and drawn my own designs on it.  I was thinking this might be good for doing my SCA garment necklines etc.  I'll see.  I will turn this practice piece into a small wall hanging or mug rug or something.  Before that I think I want to fill the center in with more French Knots.   

   That is about it on the quilting front.  I am waiting for the glue to finish drying on the trellis quilt before adding some more butterflies.  Until then I will look at what I am planning on cooking.
   My huge lunch was a ramen bowl.  It has sautéed onion, broccoli spicy chicken brother mixed with regular chicken brother and, of course, ramen noddle's.  Have you heard of spicy chicken brother?  I was given some in this month's pantry.  According to my taste buds, it is VRY spicy.  I will dilute it with regular chicken brother.  

   That should catch you up for this time.  St. Patty's day is right around the corner.  Are you ready?  It will be just another day for me but that is ok.  I will do some cooking and stitching that day.  :)

   I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Welcome to March !

    As predicted,  time flew by and it is almost the middle of March already!  Where does the time go?  I have posted a little bit about wha...