Saturday, August 29, 2015

Embroidery Weekend

It's been a long month but I think I'm starting to get back into doing some things.  I actually picked up an UFO to work on which is the teapot BOM from a couple of years ago.  I should finish this block this weekend.  

I think I will have a goal of finished up at least one teapot per week.  More on the weekends where I don't game and I can quilt or craft.    The other applique that I wish to do this weekend is two more blocks for the Walter Reed block donation.  I have these four done.

I have two more red blocks fused on and just need to applique.  After that I will do two blue ones and then send them off to the lady who will be putting together the quilts.  It's a simple design and easy to stitch.  That's nice to do in the evenings when I'm brain dead from work.  LOL.

I should be working on the September Beginners BOM this weekend.  Not sure if I'll get to that or not.  It's a Chevron pattern if I remember right but I will have to look and see if I have the right fabrics around to do it.

At least I am getting back into crafting and it feels good.  Now I had better post this before I forget and then wonder I haven't seen anything.

I hope everybody has a great weekend.

Keep stitching!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Can you guess?

Can you guess what I'm going to do with these?

They are small but they started out as rectangles.

Does it help if I show you this?

Did you guess a Dresden Plate?   You are right but I am doing a test block for the latest Missouri Star Quilt Company video called Dresden Plate Squared or something like that.  Basically it is a Dresden Plate that has been cut into a square.  Put sashing around the block and you have it.  MSQC used a layer cake but I had some 5" squares so used them.  Tomorrow I will probably sew them together for the mini block.  It will probably be made into a mug rug.  I will take a picture when it is done.

Speaking of pictures.  The Quilt Pattern Magazine has released the August edition and I tested the pattern called Garden Veggies.  I'm not so much into vegetable fabric but I did find these and liked how it looked.  The center square was blank so I added a charm to it.  It is now hanging up in my office.

Well that's about it except for my cross stitch.  I ended up framing the "Hang in There" picture so that is another Christmas present done.  I will post that probably next week.  It's not center quite right but the person it is going to is quite handy and I will let them try to adjust it if they want.  Then last thing *I* want is me messing up shaving off the center border just to see the "e" a little better.

Well my cross stitch NOEL is calling me again so I will say goodbye for now.  It is still not ready to show you yet since it's just straight lines so far.

Have a great day!

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...