Sunday, November 14, 2021

Update Time!

 I know i'd be repeating myself if I say "Wow!  What a whirlwind of a month this has been".  I think that line can be said until maybe around February!  Tis the time to work non stop on projects for the holidays.  Projects and menus that is.

My menu for Thanksgiving has changed.  Dan gave me some chicken thighs and wanted me to cook them (and invite him over to help eat them).  We decided to take ham off the menu for Thanksgiving and put it on the menu for Christmas.  Then I'll do chicken thighs for Thanksgiving.  I found a recipe that has cranberries and orange in it and that sounds Thanksgiving enough that we'll try that.  

Dan then came down with a fungal infection and hasn't been able to take me to the grocery store yet this month so who knows what the meal will be like if I don't get to the store!  He was going to take me this last week but then his eyes started to swell up so that interfered.  Now his rash from the fungal infection flared up again.  His medicine that the VA ordered to be sent to him through the mail hasn't arrived yet.  When it rains it pours.  Luckily I live a couple of blocks from a Valero gas station which has soda there so the world will be safe.  I can still get my caffeine fix.

So while I wait for Dan to feel better, he has one week before I *have* to get to the store, I made Amish chicken.  Have you ever made that recipe?  It's a simple recipe that has some spices and whipping cream.  After you make a flour mixture to dredge your chicken in, you pour equal amounts of heavy cream and water together and pour it over the chicken.  Then pop it into the oven and ignore it for about 1 1/2 hours.  Yummmy!

Do you realize how close Christmas is?  I have plenty of projects that need to get done by then but my muse for finishing them has deserted me.  I am in a 12 days of Christmas exchange and today I sat down and looked at how much more I need to do.  It's a good thing that I talk to my partner in this because she is in the same situation as I am.  We both agreed to postpone mailing out our packages to each other until January.  That way if there is something we need to get done for family for Christmas we can concentrate on that.  I have around four more things to get done for my 12 days of Christmas box.  I also need to get done Dan's Christmas gift.  I am making him a Zipper Quilt.  He might not get it in time but then 99% of my presents are usually late.  :)  I think their recipients would have a heart attack if I got them their presents on time!  I do need to work on getting my quilting mojo back.  It's getting there.  My brain is starting to look at fabric and such and ideas are running through my brain.  Who knows which one will stop and say MAKE ME!  I do know that I have projects already lined up for 2022.  I want to do a couple of small() things by the quilt as you go method.  I've been watching the Poole method and I will try that first.  This will be no sashings in the front but you will see them in the back.  Wish me luck!

That's about it.  I've got kitten staring at me.  Of course it disappeared when I got my camera phone out but I did manage to get a picture of Mini the other day.  The first picture is of BC.  He was sitting on my lap when I took the picture.

This second picture if of Mini.  Mini was, I think, trying to figure out how BC got up on my lap.  3 of the 4 kittens like to climb up on my lap and walk around me when I sit on the stoop.  They aren't sure about hos to get up on my lap when I sit on the chair that is on the stop.  

 I hope everybody has a great day.  Keep on stitching!

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All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...