Sunday, June 19, 2022

More Kittens

 Wow.  I woke up this morning and fed the cats and discovered that I was seeing double.  It appears that Smidge had THREE kittens not two like I thought before.  Two of them look awfully familiar so I will hopefully have them around long enough to name them all and figure out their personalities.

I do know that the one I just discovered this morning has a lot of energy and likes to pick on Sunny.  That's ok because Sunny picks right back.  If you want to see them tumbling around for a little bit go to:

I think that Mom is taking a head count and discovering that the noises behind her are two of the kids.  Where's the other one?

I saw this next picture on Facebook and had to snag it.  I could see one of the new kittens doing this.  Hehehe.

That is it for today.  I just had to share the pictures of the kittens while I still have them.  One year ago their mother, Smidge, was doing the same thing and almost the same size.  We'll see how many stick around and for how long.  

Everybody stay cool and have a great day!

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