Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday Musings

 Hello everybody.  I hope your Saturday is going  well.  I have been busy working on various projects and can now show some pictures.  Before that, let me say that I was taken to a new, to me, retaurant by Dan and OMG!  I had the best food in a long time.  

You cam check out their website here: 

   I was so full that I didn't eat any dinner.  LOL.  I don't think Dan did either.  We both went back for seconds.  Talk about a super great tartar sauce and their breading on the fish and shrimp was so nice.  Don't worry.  I didn't forget my veggies.  I had a small salad (complete with beets) and some okra.  It still counts as a veggie even if it has that delicious breading on it, right?  I almost didn't have any okra because, before now, I hadn't had any that didn't feel or taste oily or slimey.  Whatever they are doing, they are doing it right.

   Today, though, I made a new dish called Queso Chicken.  The original recpe called for it to be put in the crockpot to cook for 6 hours but I didn't want to wait that long.  So I boiled up the chicken breasts, drained them, and then added the rest of the ingredients plus a few others.


     It full of cheese including a jar of Monteray Jack Queso and some mix shredded cheese.  In addition to that, it has a small jar of salsa, some garlic powder, some onion powder, and some diced tomatoes on top for color.  The only bad thing is when you try to take it out of the pan.  Still next time I will shread the chicken and use it more as a dip with chips.  It has a little heat in it but notiung my whimpy taste buds couldn't handle.  

   The next thing to report on is crafting stuff.  First up is my block that I received from my swap partner.

   Isn't that cute?  I will add it to all my other blocks in the swap and then eventually will figure out what to make with them.  LOL.  I also managed to get my NEXT block done.  I'm not sure yet what that block will be but I have plenty of time to decide.  

   I was looking through Pinterest, getting in more trouble by collecting more things to work on, when I saw this.

   Isn't that cute?  I think it would be easy to make and you could put whatever animal (even humn ones) you wanted to.  I think putting in a tree in the silhoutte would be good also since there is a small bird way on top.  Don't you just love getting new, to you, ideas?

   I also managed to finish up another baby dragon.  Her name is Goldie.

   Next up will be Green Gene.  Gene is out of order but I already told some people he was nexty so I will just bump him up a bit.
   I also managaed to catch up on my Blackwork SAL.  I am still loving the stitch a long but I don't always follow how many strands I'm suppose to use.  That is ok.  I just makes it more mine.  

   I am working on another piece which will probably be redwork.  I'll let you know more on that when I start to stitch it.  In the  meantime...

   I hope everybody has a great day!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Total eclipse

 Shalom stopped by and showed me a couple of the pix that he took of the eclipse.  I thought I'd share with you.

The first two pictures were taken without any filters, etc.  The last one he said was taken through the lens or something like that.  LOL.  I was looking at the picturs and wasn't listening to him.  Shhh.  Don't tell him that.

Isn't this cute?

 I was at Dollar Tree the other day and sawy this cute little cutting mat.  I had to get it.  For $1.25 I jusrt HAD to get it.  

It is only six inchea but it sits nicely next to my keyboard which means I can use it for those quick little bouts of inspiration.  I can see it coming in handy when it comes to working on hexies.

Did I show you the latest Blackwork progress  Here it is.  I have it all caught up.  This week I will get the block that goes on the left and will fill in that square corner.

Not only did I get caught up with the blackwork, I managed to finish another block for the redwork.

Soon I will soon start on another block.  That block is the "love" block.  It won't be long before I willl be at a stage that I can show it to you.

I need to stop here and work on some more prep work and get something to eat.  The sky is still nice out but I'm not going to watch the eclipse.  I can see it safer and better from home and on the internet.  :)

Everybody have a great day and I'll post more updates soon.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 After coming out of my food c oma from Easter, I got back into stitching.  I will say that my Easter meal this year was the best in a log time.  I messed up on how to put the stuffing into the roast but it all turned out in the end.  It was a little over two pounds before cooking and there was only a half inch of one end that was leftover.  Dan took leftovers home, except for half a cup of mashed potatoes and 3/4 of the pumpking pie.  He took home the stuffing (which is normal) but there was only a spoonful of carrots and a spoonful of greens left and he snagged them too.  The carrots were cooked witht he roast.  The green beans had cut up bacon and onions in them and were cooked in the bacn grease.  Then I put parmesean cheese on top of that.  

I did finish baby blue and she is adorable.  

Nest up is Goldie.  Before that I need to finish up my Words to Live By block.  I will show a pix when it is time to move the hoop again.  I am about 3/4ths of the way done with that block.

 I have to work on my black work but will wait until I get the new block tomorrow (Wednesday).  That will put me two blocks behind but I'm not worried.  I can catch up pretty quickly.

My swap partner for March in the block swap surprised me and sent me two blocks for March.  :)  I love them both but will have to analyze the one on the right more.  I  like it and might try to figure out how she did it.

Speaking of the block swap.  I finished up my April block and it is now in the mail to my partner.

That certainly is appropriate for the kind of weather we have beeen having lately. I decided to make some tuna quiche to help take the chill out  of the air so now I have dinner all ready.  

Well back to stitching.  I hope everybody has a great day,.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...