Monday, August 5, 2024

Update time!

    Yes it is that time is update time.  What I have been working on?  Not much new since most of my current projects are UFOs.  I did start a new UFO, if I can call it that, called Arbor.  After many restarts, I have the blocks fused down and now I can start to stitch them.  The background fabric wasn't my first choice but quickly found out that I didn't have enough background fabric so I had to substitute with another fabric.  I think this will work.  Here is a pix of my blocks waiting to be stitched.  The yellow post it notes have the DMC floss number on them that I chose to stitch with.  These are seven inch blocks that are supposed to be cut back to six and a half.  I'll see how much shrinkage I'll have after stitching.

 As a reminder, there will be 4 columns of petals in total.  Each column will have 6 petals.  That will be three on each side of a so called stalk.  I'm not sure yet how wide that stalk will be.

     I have also started on another block for Words to Live By.  This one has four birds on it and three of the four are small birds.  I am doing French knot for the eyes on the two smallest one.  That has been stated.  Here is a pix of the blocks that I have done so far.

   My blackwork SAL might not get done this week.  I have two blocks waiting for me to do but Wednesday a new block comes out and I might find myself soon with three blocks needing to be done.  That is ok.  Just as long as I don't go to four blocks behind  

   I did mail out my block exchange block today so that is one thing to check off my list of to dos.  

   I haven't been doing my Fleur since my eyes have been bothering me a little bit.  Nothing serious.  I know it is just eye strain and working with black thread on black fabric wouldn't help.  

   I also haven't worked more on the Candlewicking since I have to pull a lot to get the strands of fabric through the fabric.  My fingers are stiff lately due to the weather so I'm not working on that project for a bit,  

   I actually went outside today to tackle a bit of the high grass/weeds by the house.   That is the side between the house and the wooden fence.  It didn't last long,  But I did manage to pull off some of the vines that love to grow on the fence and stick to it as well as cut (with a pair of scissors) around the water meter.  Tomorrow I might rake what I cut down and put it out by the curb since I'm expecting the city to come and haul that type of stuff soon  My neighbor has a lot for the recycle guy (lawn and tree waste) usually drives around on garbage day to get an idea of where he should stop and pick things up.

   I am saving up to get what I call a weed Wacker to take care of a lot of this stuff.  I might not get it this year but I will definitely have it next year.  This is one that doesn't have that twine that can get all jumbled up but instead runs off a battery.  The price is pretty good but on limited budgets, it will still take me a bit.  It is a matter of what do I want to do without if I get that.  I'll figure it out,

   That's about it for a quick update.  I hope everybody has a great week.  

    Thank you my friends!


A Walk With Susan said...

Arbor is coming along nicely. I didn't think that was the back ground fabric you showed to me. It still works out well. Love your Words of Wisdom. I think I will start those in January I am thinking Purple of course!
I am sorry to hear the Candle Wicking project is so rough on your hands. You are doing a great job with it, keep it up my friend.
Love all the updates on the kitties they look so snuggly, to bad I'm allergic. LOL

Bonni said...

You are correct that it is a different background fabric. I had calculated wrong and didn't have enough so I had to substitute at the last minute.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...