What a busy time I've had since my last post! Let's see...
The end of the semester at work
The end of a fiscal year at work
tuition waivers at work
A new course started with FutureLearn
My car breaking down
Never enough money (of course)
and started to work on UFO's.
The work things are ongoing. Even though the semester has ended, it is now time to do the dismissals and academic probation letters. I don't have to do that part but I do have to check the names because it will affect some of the offers for graduate assistantships and fellowships that my office made. As far as tuition waivers are concerned, that is an ongoing thing. Job Security right?
Have you heard about FutureLearn? It's an online community that you can take courses through. I am taking a couple of courses through there. Not for credit or anything but something to keep my mind sharp a bit or at least not so dull. I'm into the second week of a pre university writing course.
Then the car broke down. According to the diagnostics that were run on it, there were three possibilities.
1. Cam sensor was bad
2. The wires were just disconnected.
3. One of the belts is bad and it's the one that you have to disassemble the engine to get to (forget it's name right now).
Luckily it was the cam sensor so it only cost me $50. $50 is bad enough but at least it wasn't more.
With everything that is on my plate to pay it seems like I never have enough money. Actually I'm not sure there is such a thing as enough money. It has, however, made me search through my stash and see what I can work on.
Remember the Angel hot plate that I had? FINISHED IT! WOO HOO! Here it is.
The front |
The Back
You can see the outline of the rest of the acrylic hot plate in "the Back" picture.
After I finished up the Angel I started a new cross stitch pattern. It is a kitten hanging onto a limb which says "Hang in there". But I stopped after a bit because I wanted to try a couple of cooking things.
The first thing I tried was Ziploc ice cream. I like how it turned out but it melted pretty fast so I guess that meant I just had to eat it quicker right?
Then tonight I mean pinwheel Pizza roll ups. The first time I tried that recipe.
The flavor was good but it needs tweaking some. I'll let you know how it does if I do make it again.