Monday, May 18, 2015


I came back to work only to discover that somebody had dropped off in my office some fabric!  Wasn't that a great surprise for a Monday?

Theresa found this fabric somewhere and liked all the Christmas themed fabric so she picked it up for me.  I'm to help her do two projects for Christmas and I hope she remembers which ones they were because I'm not sure that I can right now.  She hinted that if I didn't want some of the blue fabric with snowflakes on it perhaps it could be used in her two projects.  Of course I love it but I will set it aside so that she can use it.  I just won't tell her that ahead of time.  hehehe...

I separated out the fabric and found that there duplicates so I stacked all the duplicates up together.  I think I will have to wash these and iron them before putting them away but that's a small price to pay for getting free fabric, right?!

So, without further delay, here are pictures of the fabric that she gave me.

There is quite a bit of the fabric on the left

Theresa loved the blue and white snow flake fabric on the left

Isn't that a fun green fabric on the right?

There are so many ideas for this fabric

More Christmas fabric

There sin't much of this fabric but I love the Christmas swans

This was interesting.  It's all one long panel.  I think I could do a table runner showing the fall fruit on one side and the Holly leaves on the other!

Isn't that some great fabric?

I also brought in my circle wall hanging and hung it up.  It's a little small and my screws to hang up things on that portion of the wall are a little off but nothing that masking tape on the back of the fabric doesn't cure!  It helps it to stay in place and not flap around.  Then I had to change up what I had on my little table underneath it.  I decided to throw out the poor flowers that I got from Professional Administrator's Day (they lasted almost 3 weeks!) and go with something more sunny.  The table cloth is just a piece of Ghana fabric which I use periodically as a table cloth until I figure out what I want to make with it.  I probably should just make a table cloth.  There are two fabrics that I usually use as table clothes for that area.  LOL.

Break time is over.  Everybody have a great day!  


Marsha Clark said...

Pretty fabrics. Have Fun creating !

esther said...

What a great surprise !! Love them all but the gingerbread men caught me eye as I am working on BOM gingerbread men this year. Have fun can't wait to see what you do with the snowflake fabric!!

Angie in SoCal said...

What a great friend you have! Lot of beautiful fabric there.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...