Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Birthday Everybody!  I hope you have had a great day.  It has started to snow and we are suppose to get 3" - 5".    We'll see.

This year, I was invited to my sister in law's place for a brunch.  It started at 9 a.m. and I thoroughly enjoyed myself and didn't leave until around 1:30 p.m.

The snow had started by then.

Bobbie always does a great tablescape and this year was no exception.  She had two casserole dishes and fresh fruit as well as ingredients to make Panini's.  Of course it all started off with some Mimosa's and Bloody Mary's if anybody wanted that and then the Orange Juice sort of got lost after a bit and then it went straight to the Champagne.

That wasn't the only thing that I did this weekend though.  I also managed to work a little bit on a cross stitch project.

The saying in case you forgot is "It's the most wonderful time of the year".  Who knows.  I might get this finished BY Christmas.  :)

I also managed to spend a little bit time in the kitchen and cooked up some meals.  I made:

Sweet Baby Ray's Crockpot Chicken
Crockpot Chili

It was an interesting adventure.  I think I like them in the following order:

Crockpot Chili
Sweet Baby Ray's Crockpot Chicken

Jambalaya is listed last because I made it too spicy.  Of curse that means it will last longer because I'll have to do something to extend it out and to spice it down.

Connie gave me a "thing" which holds my plastic freezer bags so it made it easier to fill them up.  It really worked well with all the meals.  You can see it here in the Chili picture.

I also had an easy clean up since I used my crockpot bags.  All I had to do was to lift them up and put them in a large bowl so I could ladle them into the baggies.  Isn't that a cute little baggie holder?  It works WONDERFULLY.

So with a plan in mind, I started my cooking.

Sweet Baby Ray's Chicken

Crockpot Gumbo


After everything cooled down, I finished sealing them and put them in the freezer.  Now my freezer has some things in it.  YAY!

Yeah, I've got ice cream.  :) 

That's it for me this time.  Some of my BOM's are kicking in and I'll try to update you as I go along.

Stay safe and have fun.

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