Sunday, October 23, 2016

Catch Up

I know it's been awhile since I posted but I have been very busy.  Yeah, that is a lame excuse but it is the one I'm using.  LOL.

No pictures on this post because I haven't downloaded them yet.  I did, however, want to let you know that I'm still around and like many crafters busier than ever.  This weekend, and actually most of last week, I have been working on the t-shirt quilt and wall hanging.  Tomorrow at lunchtime I will get help and measure my quilts and see if I have to tweak them any more.  That is my name for evening it up.  I think it should be pretty good but since somebody is paying good money for it, I want to do my best.  I have had problems with this project but I think I have it where I can let it go and just say...that is as good as I could do with my little machine.  I can hear Connie say I'm my own worst critic and she might be right.

I have some cross stitch projects I want to work on again also but I won't let myself do that until i finish my obligations which have a deadline date of November 8th.  I did get a new cross stitch magazine in the mail this weekend and there are soooo many projects I want to do in it.  You will probably see some pictures of them in a day or two so that I can remember that I wanted to do them.  :)

My Aleve is kicking in now so I am going to sign off.  I feel very good about how much I got accomplished.  I really need to learn to start earlier so that I'm not wearing out my body all at the end.

I hope everybody has a terrific day/night.

Happy Stitching!

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