Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

This is just a little post to wish Happy Easter to those who celebrate it 

And if you don't celebrate Easter, be a good egg and have a great day also.

Until next time, be positive and let that positivism extend out to others so there will be less negativism around.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Another video ...but wait....there's more

First of all, let me post this video.  Then I will only have one more to post.  I also have some more geese shots and flowers and...well you'll see.  The movie is about to start to go get your snack and beverage of choice.  For me tonight it will be a pina colada.  A single serving size so I can't over indulge.  With Pina Colada I don't have to worry about over indulging but with White Russians?  Well that might be another story.  Where was I?  Oh yes, the vid.  Here it is.

Here are the rest of the pictures I took on that walk.

I don't know what those flowers are.  Another person thought they might be grape hyacinth.  Anybody else know?  They were pretty with them just poking up.  That's a metal bridge in the background.  You can take that and walk out on a little island/extension to look around.

This picture was taken on the way back to the office.  The river on one side, the walk path on the other.  It was a great walk and can't wait to do more in the summer.

Ready for the "there's more" moment?  Sit down first.  I don't want to shock anybody.  I might know what quilt/wall hanging I will be working on this weekend.  If I'm lucky, I'll have to top done and I can show you.  Here are the colors that I will be using.

I am going to make a Sudoku Quilt/wall hanging.  The white will be used for the sashings.  We'll see how it goes.  Those strips are from a Fabric Roll that I got at JoAnne's a weekend or two ago.  It was on sale for $7.97.  It wasn't a 40 count roll but I believe it is a 20 count. 

Ohhh.  There's something else I can show you.  In the mail today was my new template toy.  In other words, another acryllic ruler that I didn't really need but it looked like a good thing to get.  Much MUCH easier to say Template Toy.  

As it says, it is a log cabin ruler.  I know I'm going to be making at least one if not 4 log cabin blocks.  I saw this on my Blueprint class so I can go there for a tutorial.  It does seem pretty easy though.  The tag has detailed instructions and multiple pages which will help.  

That's it for now.  Everybody have a great evening.

Talented friends show off at 2 a.m.

I decided I had better do my posting for today since I was talking to myself in bed.  THAT wasn't productive and I can feel the yawns starting again so I'll make this short.  This is somewhat of a test.

Yesterday I posted a video of my noon time walk so today I downloaded my other videos that I had put on the "Drive".  Ok, I figured out how to do that and THEN realized how talented my webbed friends where.  I played them on my home computer and everybody was turned to the side.  I guess that was swimming upstream?  Let's see if another video will play normally here, shall we?

While that video is uploading, let me show you two pictures of the circular stone bench that is by the lagoon.  As you can see from the middle stone it has been there since 1941. 

The picture of the bench shows half of it.  Down towards the bottom of the picture is the firepit where you can have a small fire, perhaps even to cook on it, while you watch my friends swim around the lagoon.

I will stop here.  The yawns are coming at a consistently fast rate.  I will check in the morning to see if the video straightened itself out.  :)

Good night?  Good Morning?  Well anyway, adieu until the next post.  


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

What a wonderful day!

This will be a short post since I have meetings all afternoon.  I took a walk at lunch and did this little video tidbit for you.  I'll write more about it in a day or two. 


Saturday, April 13, 2019


Sorry.  I didn't mean to shout but even though this is a small wall hanging, it has taken me FOREVER to finish it.  I suppose I could have blamed the long time on forgetting where I put it, then using some of the fabric I had set aside on another project, but the truth of the matter is...I lost interest in it after I lost the pattern.  It happens.  Then I wasn't too keen on the instructions so had to compromise with finishing it another way.  It doesn't matter.  It is now finished and will hang up in my office.

This pattern is from Victoriana Quilt Designs and was a quilt along type thing.  It is called Stained Glass Strings.

It could be done better but considering this is only my second ever string quilt and my 3rd quilt as you go I am happy with it. 

I think that my faerie woke up some of my other projects and they like it also.

That's it for now.  I'm going to go and get something to eat for lunch and then decide what else I want to work on. 

Everybody have a great day!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Stained glass Strip wall hanging

My wall hanging from the stained glass strips is almost done.  I just have to do the binding and I have started that. 

My student helper said he likes this one the best yet.  I think he just likes the bright colors.  :)

Now that I have posted something that *I* did, here are some more from the quilt show.


That is the last of the pictures from the International Quilt Show.  I hope you all have enjoyed them.

Have a great evening.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

More pictures.....

Want to finish up my pictures from the show before I misplace them.  LOL.

Hope you are enjoying them.

Hey Beth!  I found a dog for you!

I hope that yarn is waterproof!

Popcorn as the inspiration!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

More pictures from the show

While I'm working on a small wall hanging which, when finished, would be one UFO finished, I'll post up some more eye candy from the show.


Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...