Friday, October 25, 2019

Harvest of Quilts - warning - picture heavy post

It seems appropriate  for this time of year doesn't it?  It is the name of our local quilt guilds quilt show and I went to check it out.  I remember when it was used to be held at the old high school and had tons of vendors and quilts to look at.  Today was a little disappointment since it was barely there.  Still I found a lot of good deals (spent around $40) at the bazaar (people donated things for sale).  It was held at a small church and they displayed most of the quilts in the chapel area.  I tried to get a picture of it but the lighting wasn't letting me nor was how they displayed the quilts.  I did manage to get an overall picture.

I'm getting ahead of myself though.  First I had to check in.  The price for this?  $3 unless you had one of their bookmarks that they gave out at local establishments.  Then it only cost $2 and you just had to show it to them and you got to keep it.  I had it so it was worth it.

After checking in I went to the raffle ticket table.  I paid $5 for six chances to win this quilt.  I believe it is 90" x 90".

I doubt I will win but I didn't mind donating the $5. 

Off to one side was a section showing pictures of past shows and some challenge quilts. 

They were fun to look at and then I went into the bazaar section.  Danger zone for BonBon!!!  I managed to get out of there with only spending $40.  The prices were ridiculous.  So here the pictures of what I bought and listed by price categories. 

Twenty five cent purchases

This is a pattern - all patterns were $.25

$1 purchases


$2-$2.50 purchases

See this?  $2.  

the back of this kit (see above picture) says original price was $20

$3 purchases

$5 purchases

All of the crazy quilt blocks were in one package for $5

This is a needlepoint kit that is around 90% finished.  The kit still had thread in it so I need to see if it is enough to finish.

I think that I did pretty good.  The ladies were nice enough to keep my purchases at the check out table so that I could look at things further. 

I am glad that they did this memorial to members of the guild who have passed one.  Their names are in the black dresden plates.  I liked that but was sad to see that one of the names was the mother of a friend of mine.  I had heard she passed on (a number of years ago) but I was also happy to see her honored like that.

That is when I went to look at the chapel.  Too bad that those pictures didn't turn out but you get an idea of what it looked like.

That is all I have this time.  I hope you enjoyed it.  I also hope you have a great weekend.  It is NIU's homecoming weekend in DeKalb.  GO HUSKIES!

Until next time, happy stitching - happy life.



esther said...

Great photos. Glad you were able to go. Love your 25 cent purchases. Enjoy life Bonni. Hugs and prayers.

Marsha Clark said...

Great pics & awesome score. :)

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