Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fall cleaning? Spring cleaning? Summer cleaning?

Whatever type of cleaning you call it, I cleaned my area.  :)  I mean REALLY cleaned it.  Here are some snap shots of it.  This first one is the opposite side of where my sewing machine is.  It was really bad but now it is "ok".  It still needs work and I might still need to get some more shoe shelves (where the folded fabric is).

This one is off to the right side of the sewing machine and need to be gone though again.  It doesn't look like it is getting smaller but it is.

Of course one of my favorite places to do my handwork is at my computer.  Out of site is my TV but that is also usually on when I'm at the computer.  :)

These are only one aspect of my work area.  The boxes on the left of the sewing machine is for quilting and cross stitch, etc.  BUT on the right side of the sewing machine, I set up my Color Street station.  Color Street is my way that I hope to make money after I retire (ok, I'm starting early) and so I'm adventuring into retirement work possibilities.

Here is my Color Street set up.  It's just a small little section of my sewing area set up for the nails and such.  That area is a little crowded but totally workable.  Especially when part of it off to the left hand side are some items for a Black Friday Give away.  :)  The box underneath the table holds my packing material and envelopes, etc.

But what IS Color Street?

They are easy to put on and I love changing them often.  This is what I am currently wearing.

Color Street - Interstellar

I need to get the word out more about me selling these.  I am an "independent stylist".  Sounds impressive right?  LOL.  I love what names people come up with for positions and titles.  Anyway, one thing to help promote Color Street (CS) is to send out Twosies.  What is a twosie?  Some call it a sample but CS calls it Twosies.

If anybody in the United States is interested in getting a twosie to try (sorry, can't sell outside of the US) then let me know.  You can email me directly at or fill out a sample request form at:

That link can also be used to put in an order (shop my VIP Nair Bar) as well as to join my VIP Facebook Page (FB).  It is via my VIP FB page that I have little contests to get free products and just to have fun. 

Needless to say that this is keeping me very busy.  One day I am hoping to open up a FB business page but I have to learn a couple of more things before I can publish it and people can see it.  Wish me luck.

My wish for you is to have a wonderful day.

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