Friday, April 17, 2020

Can you believe...

that we are still in lockdown or at least restricted movement, etc.?  Unfortunately I still have to work so I don't have an extra 8 hours to work on crafting.  Soon though I will be able to play all I want.  Today, however, Sparkles the small dragon, told me she wanted to play outside in the snow.  SNOW?  When did we get that?  Apparently we got it while I was sleeping .

 I did take advantage of the time home to do some cooking.  I made a Polish Casserole, Pork and Sauerkraut, Peanut Butter Bread, and Lentil Salad.

Lentil Salad

Peanut Butter Bread

I forgot to take a picture of the Polish Casserole and I am eating the Pork and Sauerkraut too fast to take a picture.  It's just as good for Breakfast as it is for Dinner.

I am practicing good social distancing since I ordered various goodies through the internet.  :)

I will have to show the pictures another time.  The internet isn't letting me upload all of them and some of them that I added here blinked out.  Probably the wonky weather is interfering with the signal too much.

That's just it for now.  Have a great evening and stay safe my friends.

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