Thursday, April 15, 2021

Colorful Lizard

 Have you had one of those weeks that you work on things and want to tell everybody about it but you can't?  Yep, that is me this week.

I started another test pattern and I think I will like to work on it.  It has parts that aren't going as well as I would hope but with a deadline of 4 weeks looming, I have to keep at it.  Since it is another test pattern I can't share it yet.

Then there is the 12 days of Christmas swap.  The last day of that is to be something that we make  I have something in mind but once again, I can't share since my partner reads my blog.  I have given her a couple of clues though (evil grin).  I know she recognizes one of them, or the shape of it at least, but she hasn't guessed yet what the final project will be.  Of course I can't show you so I still have to search for something I can share with you.

At first it was going to be more progress on my Fleur UFO.  I fused down two more blocks but since you have seen these blocks before so no pictures of it.

Then I was going to work on the binding on  a couple of things but putting on binding isn't exciting.  Oh yay, I would take a pix of black binding.  No, I still needed to search.

Next blog I might have a pix of another Farmer's Wife block.  Saturday is another day of working on it.  I am also going to work on another project which I can start to share.  Some of you might remember my turtle that I did.  It was a Gooden pattern.  I have another Gooden patter that I am working on.  This will be a lizard.  Today I took a picture of my first attempt at what colors to use on it.  Here it is.  What do you think?

I'm debating on a couple of colors.  I like the pop or orange but I put it in the biggest part.  perhaps there would be a better color?  I like, however, how the orange is almost reflected in the opposite corner where I have a gold/orange fabric.  I don't have a fabric yet for the round circle that the lizard's foot is on.  I'm not sure what it is supposed to be so I'm not sure what color I want to put it there.  If I can't figure it out, I'll just leave it out.

Speaking of color, I decided that the front of the house needed a little pop or color.  Here is my first attempt.  I will buy larger flowers soon to put in there.  They will be plastic flowers or silk flowers so I don't have to water them.  lol.  

That's about it for this post.  What are you working on?


Marsha Clark said...

Cool lizard ! I like the orange also. When I first seen the picture; I thought you appliqued those pieces all around it. I think that would look cool also. The way you have the colors placed is perfect for the design. Unique ! :)
I just finished a top with the cute animals. Gifting a quilt & 2 tops next week.

esther said...

Cute, love the lizard. You do get work. And your front door looks awesome. Keep up the good work 😘

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...