Friday, April 9, 2021

Spring is in the air

It is a delightful day today.  It is almost 80F and a slight breeze is outside.  My friend Dan took me to the food pantry and it was such a nice surprise to see that in my box of food was a bouquet of flowers.

It was nice to get restocked on lentils, beans, meat, and rice. They are good staple food and will last more than a month.  There was also salad and fresh veggies which I will be eating soon since they are perishables.  I'm afraid that the mini crullers didn't make it through the night.  

With such a nice day outside, Dan helped me put in a couple of stepping stones.  While putting them in the ground, we also found that there were some buried stepping stones/cement blocks.  Dan uncovered them and it will take a bit before nature's rain evens it out more.  I will be adding and fixing up the stones more.  We found out that the cat bowls are actually sitting on top of stones.  Dan thinks that used to be the original driveway and that they put cement slabs/stones down for helping to walk from the car to the house.  There is another path of stones going in the opposite direction towards the street and that too will be worked on eventually.  The house and yard are slowly getting to where I want them to be at.  I'm not good at yardwork or wanting to do it.  Work will be slow, and I will probably hire people to help, but it will get to where I want it eventually.  :)

I did get back into some quilting.  I finished up block 1 of the Ladies Aid BOM.

Block 2 is a cow by a tree.  As I was putting away the fabric from block 1, I suddenly found the material I wanted to use in block 2.  Block 2 hasn't come out yet but I had bought all 12 blocks at once so I have an early start on it.

I got some fabric in from Missouri Star Quilt Company and can't wait to see what I will use it for.

And now for your Haley update.  These are two pictures of her taken at Easter 2021.  

As usual, sooner or later, all little ones get tuckered out and have to take a nap.

Hmmm.  I think she has the right idea.  A nap sounds good to me too.  :)

Everybody have a great day and better tomorrow.


esther said...

So glad you got flowers. Every gal needs flowers. Glad you got some help with your stepping stones. Love your blocks and new fabric. Cute baby. So precious. Keep up the good work. Hugs.

Marsha Clark said...

So glad you are adjusting to the move. <3 I can tell you love it there.
Pretty blocks & fabrics. The baby is cute !

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...