Thursday, September 30, 2021

Last Day of September

WOW!  I can't believe it.  It's the last day of September.  What am I doing on the last day of September?  I started to tackle my  sewing room.  It won't get all done today but I did make progress.   Before that, however, I changed out one of my wall hangings.  It's hard to see but I also used one of my zipper quilt wall hanging as a dresser scarf.  George was complaining that he missed his jungle friends so I put the jungle themed zipper quilt wall hanging on the dresser so he could chat with his friends. 

Once that was done, I pulled out my fabric from the shelves on the left side of the sewing room and reorganized them.  By reorganized I mean I made it look neater.  They aren't grouped by color any longer.  Now it is more of what size they are.  I doubt that will work any better for me but for now it will suffice.  This way I can see some of the "larger" pieces of fabric.  I have some backings I need to do and I didn't think I had too many pieces of fabric that are 2 yard or more.  Most of my fabric is either 1 yard or fat quarter.  Now I'm finding that I'm doing larger quilt wall hanging, etc. and need more fabric for the back.  Still it looks neater and it was good to go through the fabric.  I had some fabric I had forgotten about and some which I am donating because I don't want it any longer, etc.  Overall I thought it was about time that I went through it again.  I even have one "box" in the shelf for my Ghana fabric.  Hopefully I will eventually have all myfabric where I can see it and not have to "dig" into storage containers to find it.  I think I will be able to do that in a year or two.

I found a fabric which I forgot I had.  I had disected a wall hanging that Mom had given me.  It didn't have any batting in it.  After taking it apart, I am thinking that I will use it as a table cloth.    It is red and white so it will fit in with the Christmas themed time of the year.  I'm actually going through my white scraps and will be ewing together scraps to do the back.  It will sort of Frankenstein effect but that just means I can use it at Halloween, right?  LOL.  I won't be doing batting on it either.  It doesn't need it since it will only be a table cloth.  I'll take a picture of it when I'm done.

I did find more projects that are so close to being finished that I pulled them out also.  Those will be the ones that I will wok on first in 2021.  Wish me luck.  In the meantime, 


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Catching Up

 After looking over what I need to work on to catch up on my BOMs, I figured out that I was REALLY behind on one of them.  Like 8 blocks behind!  I am trying to catch up and feel pretty good about it.  I have gotten two blocks done.

Besides those two blocks, I have another block ALMOST done.  As in three petals to stitch down and then it will be done.  I also have the binding on the gnome table runner and that wll be done.  I feel pretty good about all oft his.

That little tidbit of information will have to suffice for now.  I'm back to the sewing.

I hope everybody has a great day.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Hmm. What to work on next...

 Isn't that always the question?  What to work on next.  I have never been one to work on one project at a time.  Nothing would ever get done.  At least when I work on multiple projects, SOME things get done.  LOL.

Today I am prepping myself for a Sit and Stitch tomorrow.  It's just some of my Our Time To Quilt Friends getting together via Jitsi (think Skype or Zoom) and stitching or chatting with each other two Saturday morning each month.  Tomorrow is our second Sit and Stitch this month.  To not waste time, I like to figure out ahead of time what I will work on.  

I have fused on my latest Ladies Aid - New York Sampler block.  I can always stitch on that.  That is my go to block.  They are 15 1/2" so nice and large and not "crowded".  

I just discovered how far behind I am on my Pat Sloan Summer Soiree blocks.  I have three of them done but this month I just downloaded the 10th block.  I will probably look for fabric for that.  Even if I don't get anything stitched, it would get me back on track.

Another thing that is on the burner is to copy 4 blocks to embroider.  I have the fabric picked out and cut out so all I need to do is copy the patterns on the fabric and get going.

I did quilt a table runner.  That was the gnome table runner.  I didn't do too bad on it.  I still need to find my Merry Christmas Reindeer table runner (remember Declan and the gang?) and get that finished.

Anyway, that is what is running through my mind on what to work on.  I'll let you know what I figure out.  :)

Anyway, Have a wonderful day and remember - 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 What?  you think that is a tad over the top for a title?  That I might have exaggerated a bit?  Yeah.  Maybe.  But let e tell you this...I got the call this morning.  That's right.  I, Declan the Reindeer, got THE call this morning.  Yep, that's right.  Mrs. C called ME and told me to get my peeps together and start training as back up for the BIG guys.  

You two legs might not be excited but all us reindeer know thatit really is a try out in case one of the big eight can't make the run on Christmas Eve.  YOU remember the big eight right?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen.  

Then there are some others.  Rudolph pushed his nose into the line up a lot but they don't need him all the time so he doesn't go on the run unless it is bad weather..  Then there is the Olive.  We don't talk a lot about her but she is cute and I like her but I'll deny it if you tell her that.

The thing that most people don't understand is that it is also about their personalities.  Let me break it down for you.  I didn't leak this information out.  I found it on


He loves to go fast!



Completely extroverted

All kinds of dance


A bit vain, though affectionate



Slightly tricky



Handsome and easy-going

Good with kids



Bringing people together





Fast as a bolt!

Can electrify others


A little down on himself

Nose glows


Admits when she's wrong

Good at hide-and-go-seek

It's predominantly correct but in order for the second string or, s we like to call us, understudies, We also have to have personalities.  I think it is pretty evident that we don't have an understudy for Rudolph.  I mean either you nose lights up or you buy a clown nose that lights up and hope batteries don't go out.
So that leaves who is the understudy for Olive?  That would be Suzie.  You remember her right?

She is really sneaky.  How do you think that we found out this information?  Yep, Suzi. 
I think that I could take over Dasher's position.  I mean I can go REALY fast and I like to sew.  Well not sew per se but I am learning to quilt and that's like sewing right?  Needle and thread and all of that.  Besides don't you think that I would look good hooked up to the Big C's sleigh?  Come on, how can you resist a face like this.

I think that Chad would be good to replace Comet.  Everybody smiles and loves him.  You might think that would be cupid but no.  Chad loves and deals with kids the bet.

The quiet one of the bunch, usually quiet anyway, is Hiram.  He could take over Blitzen because of his electrifying personality. People flock around him and just stare at him.  They reach out to touch him and before you know it they pull back their hands as if they had a shot of electricity go through their hand.  Then you hear Hiram give a little snort of amusement.

Fritz is no doubt Donner.  He loves to sing and be loud.  We just have to get him to sing on tune and then he'll have a better chance to step in for Donner.  Either way he is LOUD so he is half there.

I know I didn't list ALL of the understudies but I am running out of time.  When Mrs. C. tell you something you pay attention to her.  I will let you know if we get picked this year.  I have to round up the gang and then start our training...I mean our reindeer games.  That runs up to Thanksgiving.  At Thanksgiving it is announced who will pull the sleigh.  Wish us luck!  In the meantime Bonni finished a top that she will make into a wall hanging.  Here is a picture of it that Suzie took.  I think it turned out really good.  I might have to get her to teach me that pattern.  I like log cabins...especially ones with hot chocolate and fire in the fireplace going.

I hope you have a great day and can get some stitching, singing, or anything else done today.  :)



Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...