Monday, January 30, 2023

January is almost over

 I would say that I made it through January 2023 but I don't want to temp fate and January isn't totally over with yet.

Today's temp is 32F at 11:30 a.m.  The lows for the next WEEK are suppose to be in this mid to high 20s!  Today it is supposed to be an ice storm with possible snow this afternoon.  For my Northern friends that is commonly known as "wintery mix".

I'm all set for it though.  I have cans of food pulled out from my pantry that won't need heating up to eat.  I pulled out my flashlights and candles.  I have plenty of water set aside to use for various purposes if the pipes freeze.  Hopefully I will have my spaghetti and meatballs done before/if I lose power.

I'm not sure how much crafting I will get done.  I like to burrow into my blankets if I lose electricity and go into hibernation mode.  I might get to do some more blackwork today.  I've decided that I would change up the border that I was doing and that meant, of course, getting out Jack and Jill (my trusty seamrippers) and unstitch a lot of what I had done.  This new border that I'm using I am much happier with.  It is easier for me to do so I am not as tense or frustrated.  I made this decision after setting Jack to work on the previous border 4 different times.  I'll do the fancier border sometime but right now this one will be better for me.  Here is a picture of what I have done so far.

The boxes will surround the square box and then a little bit added more before the next filler is added.  The next filler is due out this Wednesday so I hope to get, at least, the left side done so I have a good idea for placement for filler #5.  Wish me luck!

That's it for now.  I hope you stay warm and have a great day.

Keep on crafting!


A Walk With Susan said...

I love your stitches, you are doing such a great job.I hope you don't lose power and are able to stitch.

Bonni said...

Thanks. Perhaps I'll just pretend that I'm back in the past and stitch by candlelight. LOL.

All caught up!

    Not much to report this time around but I did want to post an update on the Blackwork.  This is the 2024 Peppermint Purple Stitch a Long...