Saturday, November 10, 2012

Free Motion Quilting Bucket List

This month the bucket list produced Free Motion Quilting as our topic.  Hmmm.  Those dreaded words.  Can't say that I like Free Motion Quilting (FMQ) but believe it or not....I did it.  No, I mean I finished the project.  Some of you might have seen the black and white mini that I did and didn't like.  Since I didn't like it already, I thought...why not use that for the FMQ Bucket List this month/  I already didn't like it so it could only improve.

So here are some progress pictures.  I do not like FMQ and I am not good at it.  I will admit that I don't tremble in fear any more of it so that is saying something I guess.  LOL.

Here you can see what the black and white mini looked like.  Aren't the multi colored butterfly straight pins cute?  Perhaps I should have left them on.  :)

This was already sectioned off into areas that said "fill me" so I did.  No I didn't have any particular design in mind.  I figured I needed help with all of it so I just went with what came to mind.  It's not great and some of it is actually terrible.   That's what practicing is all about isn't it?

The final results


Diana said...

I like it now :)
Did you learn more than just the stitches?

Bonni said...

thanks Diana.

I learned that "shapes" are not my thing. I cannot follow the lines well (travelling. BUT, I used to say I cannot do FMQ at all before so who knows what will happen in the future.

I also learned that it is MUCH easier when other people do it. LOL.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I also do not enjoy FMQ, but still am trying at least once a month. I think you did really well. I seem to do better at the beginning and then forget what I was trying to do about 1/2 way through.

Bonni said...

Thanks BillieBee. :)

I found myself "drifting" a little on one or two of the white areas. I will try to sometime mark a pattern on paper and then try it that way. Not pre-bought paper and it probably won't be stippling. Each time to try a different way of doing it.

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...