Monday, November 26, 2012

Back to Work Today

Vacation time is over and now it's time for me to get back to work. That's ok.  I had a nice little break (up to the time when I pulled muscles in back) and am sort of ready to get back to work.  I did manage to get some little mug rugs done (and even did FMQ on them) out of a panel of pre printed flowers.  I'm still working on those because I have enough squares to make up 10 mug rugs.  They'll go out for birthdays or something like that next summer.  Quick little thank you presents, birthday presents or just "cheer up" presents.  I think I will be doing some more mug rugs but seasonal ones soon.  I found a cute snowman pattern that I think I can use and found some more pre printed squares which have dogs on them which would be good for my male friends or dog lovers.

What else did I work on?  I did some more wrist pads for the computer.  I am going to give them out at Christmas to the office I think.  I have some African fabric which will work well for that.  I also managed to do the Penguin top.  Need to sandwich it and get it quilted.  I like how it turned out.  I was going to send it to a friends fiance but when he heard it had penguins on it I was told in no uncertain terms that "HE" gets penguin stuff.  His fiance gets turtle stuff.  So this will be going to him instead.  Perhaps it will get there in time for his Christmas present.  I told him that I didn't think he would want it since it would be made to go on the wall.  Being a male I know he has some pictures on the wall but not "home made stuff".  He said he'd make an exception.  LOL.

I also managed to finish up (I think) the top for the the red and white wall hanging. 

This was suppose to be the center for a wall hanging.  If you scroll through my blog postings you'll see a picture of what the whole wall hanging should look like.  I thought it was too busy so I think I'll just stop here.  The center block, according to the pattern, would also have redwork flowers in between each leaf.  It looked crowded to me but I kinda like this.  What do you think?

That's about it.  Oh yeah, I forgot that my friend Connie took a picture of me a couple of weeks ago.  Who knows when I'll let somebody take another picture of me so I thought I'd go ahead and post it.  Can't say you weren't warned.  So put on your blinders and sit down...This is what I look like (especially since I haven't colored my hair in a bit.  Won't do it until income tax return comes 

Everybody have a great day! 


Kat Scribner said...

You dont have to color your hair, Bonni. Grow to like it. Mine is turning mixed silver with the nearly black and I love it.

So, your red center block is beautiful!!! The penguin quilt is SO cute. You get SO MUCH DONE!

Bonni said...

Thanks Kat. I've just noticed that the penquins are suppose to have some snow in the background. A friend mention that she might stitch some "asteriks" on it. I might borrow her suggestion and do it in silver metallic thread. Not sure yet. As for getting so much done....buttonhole stitch by hand is faster for me than if I try to do it on the machine. I can spend more time on it in a nice easy chair vegging out to the tv or movies. :)

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...