Sunday, November 30, 2014

Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Block Magazine

Oh my!  I made a mistake and picked up a quilting magazine the other day.  Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Block Magazine.  Of course I held fast and furious to my rule of not buying a magazine unless there were three patterns that I wanted to make.  It's a pretty good rule.  It's saved me lots of money in magazines.  Not so this time.  It's worth getting.  Here is what will be the start of my 2015 wishlist.  Perhaps I should just say it's the start of my 2015 UFO (unfinished projects) list.

I am in love with this one. 

More of my traditional pattern that I like.

A nice mixture of HST and my applique.  I should be able to do this one.

I have a friend who is into photography.  This might be good as a present.

If I ever do this one it would be good to hang in my office.

This one appeals to me but I can't make my mind which colorway I like better.

This one or the previous one.  I kind of like the previous one because it's  bit more modern and I want to do a modern quilt.

This came from the Fall 2014 edition of the magazine and should have only been displayed until November 17, 2014.  I lucked out (so I had to buy it, right?) that it was still there.  Plus it has a bonus of 5 table runner patterns. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Hexie Day

Didn't do much today.  Think I'm just feeling lazy.  I did get a nice surprise in the mail.  The November Hexie BOM material.

I'm not sure if I'll go and stitch them together this weekend but at least while I"m watching MasterChef Junior, I can get them basted onto the card board.  I really like the cardboard that I got this time.

The fabric is a bit more orange than shown but it was hard to adjust to get it right.  Then I have two browns for the stem.

Perhaps this will get me going again on basting the fabric over the template.  I am way behind on them.

What are you working on?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope all my friends who celebrate Thanksgiving are having a good day.  I went over to my nephew's and had a loud but good Thanksgiving.  Now it's time for me to upload some pictures. Forgive an old Aunt for doing this but he's about my only family (besides my brother and mom).

Jason and Jess (his wife) had the place partially decorated for Christmas which set the mood for the holiday.

Jason even had his utensils all set out for when the food got cooked.

So while Jason is busy cooking in the kitchen...

The kids were showing me around and waiting for the other guests to arrive.

Yes that lump is my great niece.

Soon the other guests arrived.

And then Jessica and the kids helped entertain the guests.

Tori wasn't there (Oldest of the children) since she was at the McDonald's Thanksgiving Day Parade with the DeKalb High School.

The DeKalb High School band is in the orange flags.  Here are a couple of pix of Tori.

I hope you had a great day also.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekend Excitement!

No not the quilting kind of excitement but almost as good.  I finally have transportation again.  Meet Ruby.

She is replacing Rhea who passed away in the summer.  Of course I have to name all my cars and when I saw Ruby I knew that I was getting her.  Of course my choices were limited due to bad credit that I'm still working on but I managed to drive her home Friday night.  She is a 2006 PT Cruiser so I upgraded by 5 years (which is nice).  She was nice and clean on the inside and very few scratches or peeled paint.  I hope that she'll last longer then the 3 year loan I have for her.  LOL.

I didn't get much done since I was playing with Ruby but hope to settle down again this week.  I found myself just driving her with no destination in mind.  That was a bad thing so finally drove her to the laundry mat.  YAY!  I didn't have to ask for a ride!

Well back to your normally scheduled Monday of events.  LOL.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekend Progress

Well I managed to make some progress this weekend.

It started out where I caught up on my Civil War BOM that I had done.  How long ago was that now?  The last (I think) block is:

I need to sew them together yet and then figure out the border etc but at least they are eventually getting done.

Then I picked back up my redwork.  I ran out of my perle cotton and had to order more.  It didn't take long to get here and soon I was finishing it up.  I finally managed to get all of my six blocks done for the exchange.  Of course it makes me look so fast getting them done but three of the six blocks I am recycling.  I did the Baltimore Album style blocks last year but never used these three.  Now I can send them off in this Christmas Block Exchange.  The other three blocks are all new.

I really like the Noel redwork block.

What do you think?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mr. Tickles and Noel

Mr. Tickles, my blue Beta fish had his water changed today.  Now that might not seem like a challenge for most people but I consider it a major challenge to keep Mr. Tickles alive.  I'm not good with fish. This tank is a good thing I think.  You don't have to remove the fish or any of the rocks etc.  All you do is add more water and then as the water in the tank rise up they go through the overflow pipe/filter.  It worked pretty good.

As you can see it did catch some of the debris and pushed it out of the tank.  There isn't much since there is only one fish and it hasn't been a week in there.

That chore being taken care of, I went back to work again on the Noel block.  I had to stop working on it since I ran out of the Perle Cotton.  I have it on order so it won't be long before I'm back working on it again.

What is everybody working on?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Christmas Stocking

I forgot to post this before so just though I'd do yet another blog post.  This month in The Quilt Pattern Magazine, is how to do some Christmas stocking (mini).  I was one of them that did the test pattern so I couldn't show it until November.  Here it is.  :)

Hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Tickles

I bought myself a male Beta fish today.  He's blue and in a neat tank.  The tank empties itself and cleans itself (if you believe the advertising) by adding water to it.  Then the old water goes out through the overspout.

His name is Mr. Tickles aka Tickles aka Tick because of his blue cover and there was a cartoon called the Tick.  Superhero (although dumb) who used the word SPOOON as his cry into battle.  Since my nephew and his wife was with me and we went through Wendy's to get a frosty, the word spoon came up since my nephew was holding the spoons we had to cry SPOOON.

Jason wanted to name it Fishy which wasn't going to be.  So in honor of the Blue Tick and spoons everywhere....It is Mr. Tickles or Tick for short.

Redwork Bell

My Noel block is still at the office so I had to work on the bell one.  Here it is.

The back of it looks very similar.  I tried to make sure that I wound my tailing threads in and to travel from one spot to another.  It helps out.  :)

Spring is almost here ...

   And it is time to change up what is on my wall.  Obviously I put up Butterfly Trellis.  It just speaks to me of Spring which is officiall...