Thursday, September 24, 2015

Zig Zags of LIfe

It's starting to get to be fall and such a lovely time of the year.  Lovely that is until you remember that it also means it is getting closer to the "gift giving" season.  For me this year I only have to give gifts for some close friends since I lost both Mom and Kerm this year.  That's ok.  We had cut down on our gift giving years before but somehow it just seems different.  Not sad but different.

I have two presents all ready to give out so that is a good start.  I am starting to get back into my creative mode again so will be picking up on some quilting again.  For awhile I just wanted to do my cross stitch.  Still want to do it since once I picked it up I remember how much I liked to do it.  I guess the next couple of months, if not longer, will be spent doing cross stitch AND quilting.

First up on quilting will be to do the Chevron block for the Beginner BOM that I'm doing.

I have to do one more section for that block and then finish sewing it.  I have messed it up twice now due to my own stupidity so now I'm taking it slow and easy.  It's not a hard block but it IS one that I have to pay attention to which direction my white blocks are facing to get it right.  It will be finished this week which is good since the new one for October will be out soon.  That will be Clay's Choice which if you are interested can be seen at Quilter's Cache.

As I was looking through my wall hangings to see what I might want to put up in my office, I ran across one that mom had done in the nursing home and had given me.  I decided it was small enough to just fit between my bulletin board and one of the pictures on the wall.

I think it is great that the nursing home encourages the residents to keep active with crafts like this as well as the regular activities (bingo, etc.).  They are always working on something.

Break time is over so I have to get back to work.  I hope everybody has a great day.

Keep on creating!

What to work on Next

    I finished the owl and it will be sent off to my friend Susan as soon as I get my stamps.  I had forgotten to get some for the season so...