Sunday, September 13, 2015

Happy Sunday!

It's a Sunday which usually means a non stress day.  It was and it wasn't.  I went over to see my nephew Jason and his family.  That is five children...3 female teenagers and 2 younger males.  It's a "lively" house.  I was there around 4 hours.  I might have thought differently if I had remembered that the Packers and Bears were playing each other.  That too added to the chaos.  It was a typical lively household which is nice to see and be part of at times.  Of course it is also very nice to be back in my quiet apartment later.

Jessica had to work so she left early but Jason was there and we had a good visit complete with him grabbing the youngest (Liam) for a hug.

It was also a semi productive weekend on the craft front.  I made two small mug rugs for fall.  Nothing fancy but something to catch all those treats so my desk doesn't get as messy.

It's a little hard to see but here is more of a close up of the gingerbread man's face.  The Top two French Knots are the eyes and the bottom two are the corners of his mouth with a stitch black line in between them.

I like this one a little better but perhaps it was because I got to use my favorite black swirl cosmic fabric for the back and binding.

I also managed to finish up the star blocks that will go to somebody to put together for the Walter Reed Hospital project.  I have four red stars and four blue stars.  You've seen the plain star on the white background before so I won't post it here.  I think it was a good weekend to get all that stuf done.

Wednesday I will be going out to see my sister in law Bobbie.  I haven't seen her since the Celebration of Life for Kerm.  I might take out my cross stitch when I go out (I have the day off work) and work on it there.  She also cross stitches (and a lot of other crafts).  The current one I am working on is a "Noel" for Christmas.  Notice I did not say "this" Christmas.  I'm so slow on doing projects I'm not sure which Christmas it will be for.  You can work on cross stitch for a long time and it seems like you make little progress.  Here is what I've done so far.

That's about it.  Time to get back to stitching.  I hope everybody else had a good weekend.

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