Sunday, December 13, 2015

African Blues is coming along

Ready for an update?  The wall hanging/lap quilt that I'm making for my boss is coming along.  I think one more vertical strip and then the borders.  I was delayed for a bit since I needed a different foot for the sewing machine.  I don't think I'll finish it in time for to give it to him before break but I can always mail it to him or have him come back some time.  There is a small possibility that I can get it finish by the 23rd (last day at work) but we'll see.

Here is what it looks like so far.

Right now it is about 30" wide and around 44" long.  I am calling it African Blues since the blue print fabric all came from Ghana.  It is different fabric that he brought back to me on his yearly trips there.  Well most of the blue fabric anyway.  I still have plenty of other fabric to figure out what to make with.  :)

I also have been working on three block that I am testing.  They are due on December 25th and I shouldn't have a problem with that.  I have stitched down two out of the three blocks but need to do the little fiddly stuff.  You know what I mean.  Draw in a nose in one place, whiskers on something in another place, etc.  But that's all I can say right now.  

I am on schedule but, like so many other crafters, don't have a lot of down time.  Must keep going during the holiday season.  :)

Hang in there and have a great day/night.

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