Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas around the corner - Are you ready?

Is anybody ever ready for Christmas?  I am about as ready as I can get.  Christmas Day is usually my day to be by myself and just laze around.  Of course I still have to make it through the last day at work.  It's not too bad but my mind is already thinking of stuff that I want to do after work.  First up with be a visit with my sister in law.  I want to show her what I'm making for the retirement gift for my boss.  Lyndon will be back on January 4 to turn in his keys and stuff so I can give it to him then.

I finished up my text blocks but can't show you until around July when they are in publication.

I think that tonight, if I stay awake for any length of time, I might pull out some cross stitch and just veg.  Doesn't that sound nice?  Just relax.

I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday and be safe.

I'll probably write another post before the new year starts until then try to keep your sanity during the holiday rushes.

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